Managing LDAP over TLS/SSL for containerized masking
The below libraries should be installed on the containerization masking engine:
Get the LDAP certificate
Get the LDAP certificate from the LDAP server: for example, if the LDAP server is:
openssl s_client -showcerts -connect -servername
file from the above LDAP certificate:
Create a Create a file with the name user-ldap.cer
and copy the code from the above output file to this file (only copy from -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- till -----END CERTIFICATE----- ).
Below is the sample output needs to be copied to the file: user-ldap.cer
Import certificate to Keystore
Import certificate to keystore using keytool utility like below, assuming running the below command from the same location where we created user-ldap.cer
keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias .masking_certs -file user-ldap.cer -keystore .masking_certs -storepass changeit -noprompt
You can verify the imported certificate as below:
keytool -list -keystore .masking_certs -v
Create configmap entry based on LDAP certificate
use the Kubernetes command to create a configmap, for example:
kubectl create configmap ldap-ssl-config --from-file=.masking_certs
Here ldap-ssl-config
is the name of the created configmap entry, .masking_certs
file contains the LDAP certificate. To verify that configmap entry is added to the pod instance run the following command:
kubectl get configmap
Mount the configured configmap as volume
Add configmap entry as a volume to the pod instance in it's config .yaml file. If you already have other volumes defined that new entry can go under the existing volumes section. If not create a volumes: section as shown below:
- name: ldap-ssl-cert-volume
name: ldap-ssl-config
Here ldap-ssl-cert-volume
is a name for the provided volume, ldap-ssl-config
is the name of the previously created configmap entry.
Now we are ready to mount that volume to app container. Under the containers: section of the pod's config .yaml file, find the app container and add another entry to its volumeMounts: as shown below:
- name: ldap-ssl-cert-volume
mountPath: /var/delphix/ssl/.masking_certs
subPath: .masking_certs
Here ldap-ssl-cert-volume
is a pod level provided volume, .masking_certs
is a name of the certificate file (originally provided by the configured configmap).
For reference. , see the below-attached sample screenshot from kubernetes-config.yaml

Now deploy the pods as usual using the config file:
kubectl create -f kubernetes-config.yaml
kubectl get pods
Enable ApplicationSettings for LDAP over TLS/SSL
Once the Containerization Masking engine is deployed successfully, setup and enable the LDAP over TLS/SSL accordingly.