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VM-based Continuous Compliance Engines

This page details the hardware and software requirements needed to deploy the Continuous Compliance Engine for data masking. The Continuous Compliance Engine is a self-contained operating environment and application, provided as a Virtual Appliance, which is certified to run on a variety of platforms like VMware, AWS, and Azure.

The Continuous Compliance Engine should be placed on a server where it will not contend with other virtual machines for network, storage, or other computing resources. The Continuous Compliance Engine is a CPU and I/O-intensive application; deploying it in an environment where it must share resources can significantly reduce performance.

To use both Continuous Data (data virtualization) and Continuous Compliance (data masking) Engines, they must be deployed separately. One Delphix Engine is required per service, running both operations on one engine is not supported.

Web browser support

The Continuous Compliance Engine’s graphical interface can be accessed from a variety of different web browsers. Currently, the following web browsers are supported.

  • Microsoft Edge

  • Mozilla Firefox

  • Chrome

Delphix supports the latest version of Microsoft Edge, Firefox, and Chrome as well as the immediate prior version.

AWS EC2 platform

See AWS EC2 Installation for information about virtual machine requirements to install a dedicated Continuous Compliance Engine on Amazon's Elastic Cloud Compute (EC2) platform.

Azure platform

See Azure Installation for information about virtual machine requirements to install a dedicated Continuous Compliance Engine on the Azure platform.

Google cloud platform

See Google Cloud Platform Installation for information about virtual machine requirements to install a dedicated Continuous Compliance Engine on the GCP platform.

IBM Cloud

See IBM Cloud Installation for information about virtual machine requirements to install a dedicated Continuous Compliance Engine on the IBM Cloud.

VMware platform

See VMware installation for information about virtual machine requirements to install a dedicated Continuous Compliance Engine on the VMware Virtual platform.

Container (Kubernetes) based Continuous Compliance Engine

The Containerized Masking product is delivered as a set of containers that are deployed as a Pod in your Kubernetes infrastructure. The Pod provides a similar set of functionality as the Continuous Compliance VM-based appliance.

Containerized Masking was developed to provide the ability to create ephemeral engines, or small engines that can be spun up quickly for a specific need, then thrown away once that need is fulfilled.

You would need to provide the Kubernetes infrastructure whether it is on-prem (such as MiniKube or MicroK8s) or cloud-based (such as AWS EKS).

Some functionality may require additional software installations on the Kubernetes node systems. For example, if the use of NFS-mounted filesystems is planned, each node would need the NFS client software that allows Kubernetes to perform the desired NFS mounts.

Differences between VM-based and Container-based Engines

There are some functional differences between the VM-based engine and the Container-based engine. In some cases, a piece of functionality is available in both, but implemented in different ways. In other cases, the functionality is unavailable. The table below summarizes these differences.


VM-based engine

Container-based engine

FTP support for file masking



SSL / TLS for connectors



Local file masking via NFS



Local file masking via CIFS









SSO / OAuth



Upgrade / upgrade validation



Db2 z/OS and iSeries Connector



  1. Via the Engine Setup app.

  2. Via Kubernetes.

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