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Binary lookup

See Binary Lookup for more information about this algorithm framework.

Creating a binary lookup algorithm via API

  1. Retrieve the frameworkIdfor the BinarySL Framework. This information can be retrieved using the following endpoint:

    algorithm   GET /algorithm/frameworks

    The framework information should look similar to the following:

        "frameworkId": 9,
        "frameworkName": "Binary Lookup",
        "frameworkType": "BYTE_BUFFER",
        "plugin": {
            "pluginId": 7,
            "pluginName": "dlpx-core",
            "pluginAuthor": "Delphix Engineering",
            "pluginType": "EXTENDED_ALGORITHM"
  2. Create a Binary SL algorithm instance via the following endpoint:

    algorithm   POST /algorithms

    Configure a new algorithm using the JSON formatted input similar to the following:

        "algorithmName": "newbinarysl",
        "algorithmType": "COMPONENT",
        "description": "Binary Secure Lookup Example",
        "frameworkId": 9,
        "pluginId": 7,
        "algorithmExtension": {
            "lookupFiles": [
                    "uri": "delphix-file://upload/f_39bbf352139f4234873109ad4e6271e1/file1.png"
                    "uri": "delphix-file://upload/f_093b5c07f90e4b9dbddb0339b71703d3/file2.png"
                    "uri": "delphix-file://upload/f_8da2b97e201b4152b2befafc05612d8c/file3.png"

Binary SL algorithm extension

  • lookupFiles(required, no default)

array[Object] A list of file reference UUID values returned from the endpoint for uploading files to the Masking Engine. There is a maximum limit of 50 files which can be uploaded into each instance of the algorithm

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