Out of the box profiling settings
The Delphix Platform comes out of the box with recognition logic to help you discover over 30 types of sensitive data (account numbers, addresses, etc.). This logic is organized into a number of pre-built profile sets that can be easily applied to a rule set when a profile job is created.
ASDD standard profile set
This is the recommended profiler set for the ASDD profiler and should be preferred for all data sources supported by the ASDD Profiler. This profile set has the widest range of classification logic, including classifiers for all logic in the legacy Standard profile set, as well as data-level classifiers for a number of domains. It includes value list classifiers capable of detecting several domains, such as FIRST_NAME and LAST_NAME, even when column names are not meaningful. Data level detection is limited to English language values.
The classifiers present in the ASDD Standard profile set are described in the ASDD Standard Profile Set section.
Standard profile set
This profile set contains path and type classifiers appropriate for detecting a wide range of sensitive information.
The classifiers used in this profile set are described in the Standard Profile Set Classifiers section.
Legacy profile sets
The legacy profile sets are provided for backward compatibility, specifically, to provide consistent results for pre-existing profiling jobs. The legacy profile sets do not contain any type classifiers to restrict matching based on the column type.
These profile sets are:
Financial - Legacy
HIPAA - Legacy
The classifiers used by these profile sets are described in the Legacy Profile Set Classifiers section.