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Db2 connector license installation

At this time, Containerized Masking only supports the Db2 LUW connector. The Db2 Mainframe and Db2 iSeries connectors cannot be enabled for Containerized Masking.

If you have been licensed to use the Continuous Compliance Db2 Connector for Mainframe or Db2 Connector for iSeries, you will need to obtain the respective Db2 Connector package (tar file) and apply it to your Masking Engine(s). Each package is intended to be installed and run from a workstation or laptop, not from the Delphix Appliance. These packages contain a script that must be used in a bash shell and depends on the availability of the curl and ssh commands to install the respective license on your remote Delphix Appliance.

Applying Db2 connector for mainframe

  1. Go to the Home > Delphix Product Releases > Continuous Compliance Connectors > IBM Db2 for z/OS folder on the Delphix Download site.

  2. Select the folder with the most recent release number that is less than or equal to your engine version.

  3. Download the DB2MaskingMainframe.tar file,

  4. Extract its contents using tar -xvf DB2MaskingMainframe.tar.

  5. Run cd db2-license.

  6. Run ./ -h your-engine-hostname. You will be prompted for a username and password.

To view a help message, run ./ with no arguments.

To use TLS/SSL, specify the -s flag, your secure port (-P option) and trusted server certificate (-C option).

The script will enable the Db2 Mainframe connector, shutdown the Masking Engine, and then start the Masking Engine. To stop and start the Masking Engine, the script will prompt the user for the Delphix sysadmin password. After this process completes, "Database - MAINFRAME DB2" will appear in the Connector drop-down of the Masking Engine UI and can be used in the same way as other database connectors to profile and mask rule sets.

Applying Db2 connector for iSeries

  1. Go to the Home > Delphix Product Releases > Continuous Compliance Connectors > IBM Db2 for iSeries folder on the Delphix Download site.

  2. Select the folder with the most recent release number that is less than or equal to your engine version.

  3. Download the DB2MaskingiSeries.tar file.

  4. Extract its contents using tar -xvf DB2MaskingISeries.tar.

  5. Run cd db2-license.

  6. Run ./ -h your-engine-hostname. You will be prompted for a username and password.

To view a help message, run ./ with no arguments.

To use TLS/SSL, specify the -s flag, your secure port (-P option) and trusted server certificate (-C option).

The script will enable the Db2 iSeries connector, shutdown the Masking Engine, and then start the Masking Engine. To stop and start the Masking Engine, the script will prompt the user for the Delphix sysadmin password. After this process completes, "Database - iSeries DB2" will appear in the Connector drop-down of the Masking Engine UI and can be used in the same way as other database connectors to profile and mask rule sets.

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