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Min Max

See Min Max for more information about this algorithm framework.

Creating a MinMax algorithm via API

  1. Retrieve the frame work Id for the Minmax Date or Minmax Number Algorithm Framework. This information can be retrieved using the following endpoint:

    algorithm GET /algorithm/frameworks

    The framework information should look similar to the following:

          "frameworkId": 8,
          "frameworkName": "MinMax Date",
          "frameworkType": "LOCAL_DATE_TIME",
          "plugin": {
            "pluginId": 7,
            "pluginName": "dlpx-core",
            "pluginAuthor": "Delphix Engineering",
            "pluginType": "EXTENDED_ALGORITHM"


          "frameworkId": 15,
          "frameworkName": "MinMax Number",
          "frameworkType": "BIG_DECIMAL",
          "plugin": {
            "pluginId": 7,
            "pluginName": "dlpx-core",
            "pluginAuthor": "Delphix Engineering",
            "pluginType": "EXTENDED_ALGORITHM"
  2. Create a Free Text Redaction Algorithm instance via the following endpoint:

    algorithm   POST /algorithms

    Configure a new algorithm using the JSON formatted input similar to the following (for MinMax Date algorithm framework):

            "algorithmName": "MinMax Date algorithm for 2021 year",
            "algorithmType": "COMPONENT",
            "frameworkId": 8,
            "algorithmExtension": {
                "minDate": "2021-01-01 00:00:00",
                "maxDate": "2021-12-31 00:00:00",
                "nonConformingDataDefaultValue": "replacement_value1"

    or the following (for MinMax Number algorithm framework):

                "algorithmName": "MinMax Number algorithm for normalizing age range",
                "algorithmType": "COMPONENT",
                "frameworkId": 15,
                "algorithmExtension": {
                    "minValue": 18,
                    "maxValue": 65,
                    "nonConformingDataDefaultValue": "replacement_value2"

Minmax algorithm extension

  • minValue (required)

Integer The minimum value for a Number range used in conjunction with maxValue. This field is used for "MinMax Number" framework only.

  • maxValue (required)

Integer The maximum value for a Number range used in conjunction with and must be greater than minValue. This field is used for "MinMax Number" framework only.

  • minDate (required)

date The minimum value for a Date range used in conjunction with maxDate. The Date must be specified in the following format: "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss". The Date will be interpreted as UTC. This field is used for "MinMax Date" framework only.

  • maxDate (required)

date The maximum value for a Date range used in conjunction with and must be greater than minDate. The Date must be specified in the following format: "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss". The Date will be interpreted as UTC. This field is used for "MinMax Date" framework only.

  • nonConformingDataDefaultValue (optional)

String The default replacement value for any value that is triggering non conforming data event handling. This field is only applicable when the underlying data to be masked is of type String and conversion to a Date or a Number is required.

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