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Changing the IP address of the Delphix Engine

You can change the IP address of the Delphix Engine either from the User Interface or using the Command-Line Interface.

For Containerized Masking, networking is handled via the underlying kubernetes infrastructure. There is no interface through the application to change the IP address. Changing the IP address of a containerized instance requires those changes to happen in kubernetes and its underlying nameservice. Frequently it is managed by the network proxy that directs traffic to the containerized instance.


  • Ensure that no masking jobs are running.

Changing the IP address from the user interface

Perform the following procedure to change the IP address of the Delphix Engine from the UI.

  1. Launch the Delphix Setup application.

  2. Go to System > Server Setup in the Delphix Management interface, or click Server Setup in the Delphix Engine login screen.

  3. In the Network panel, click Modify.

  4. Under DNS Services, enter the new IP address.

  5. Click Ok.

  6. Refresh all environments by clicking the Refresh option on the Environments screen.

Changing the IP address using CLI

Perform the following procedure to change the IP address of the Delphix Engine using CLI.

1. Log into the Delphix CLI using your sysadmin account.

delphix> network
delphix network> setup
delphix network interface> list
delphix network interface> select vmxnet3s0
delphix network interface 'vmxnet3s0'> get
    type: NetworkInterface
    name: vmxnet3s0
            type: InterfaceAddress
            addressType: STATIC
            enableSSH: true
            state: OK
    dataNode: DATA_NODE-34
    device: vmxnet3s0
    macAddress: 0:c:29:32:96:a3
    mtu: 1500
    mtuRange: 60-9000
    reference: NETWORK_INTERFACE-vmxnet3s0-DATA_NODE-34
    state: OK

2. Run the update command and update the address to the new IP address for the Delphix Engine.

delphix network interface 'vmxnet3s0'> update
delphix network interface 'vmxnet3s0' update *> edit addresses.0
delphix network interface 'vmxnet3s0' update addresses.0 *> get
    type: InterfaceAddress
    addressType: STATIC
    enableSSH: true

delphix network interface 'vmxnet3s0' update addresses.0 *> set address=
delphix network interface 'vmxnet3s0' update addresses.0 *> get
    type: InterfaceAddress (*)
    address: (*)
    addressType: STATIC (*)
    enableSSH: true (*)

3. Commit the operation.

delphix network interface 'vmxnet3s0' update addresses.0 *> commit
delphix network interface 'vmxnet3s0'> get
    type: NetworkInterface
    name: vmxnet3s0
            type: InterfaceAddress
            addressType: STATIC
            enableSSH: true
            state: OK
    dataNode: DATA_NODE-34
    device: vmxnet3s0
    macAddress: 0:c:29:32:96:a3
    mtu: 1500
    mtuRange: 60-9000
    reference: NETWORK_INTERFACE-vmxnet3s0-DATA_NODE-34
    state: OK

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