ASDD standard profile set
As of the release, administrators control when upgrades of the ASDD Standard Profile Set occur. For every Delphix Engine release, the ASDD Standard Profile Set will be made available to users in the Automated Sensitive Data Discovery directory folder on the Delphix Download site.
A README is also present, which includes a change.log and usage instructions. Additionally, as of, the contents of the ASDD Standard Profile Set may be customized. To recover or upgrade the ASDD Standard profile set, see the ASDD Profile Set Import and Export article for more information on the import API endpoint.
For reference, you can download or expand the JSON listing below, which contains the full configuration for all classifiers present in the ASDD Standard Profile Set as of the release. The profile set for individual releases can be found in the downloads section.
ASDD standard profile set JSON classifiers list.json
ASDD Standard Profile Set JSON classifiers listing
"domain": "ACCOUNT_NO",
"name": "Account Number - Path",
"type": "PATH",
"properties": {
"paths": [
"matchType": "REGEX",
"matchStrength": 0.67,
"fieldValue": "(?i)(?>(account|accnt|acct)_?-? ?(number|num|nbr|no|user))($|[ _-])"
"rejectStrength": 0.0
"domain": "ACCOUNT_NO",
"name": "Account Number - Type",
"type": "TYPE",
"properties": {
"allowedTypes": [
"minimumLength": "5",
"typeName": "String"
"minimumLength": "5",
"typeName": "Number"
"matchAutoIncrementingColumn": true
"domain": "ADDRESS",
"name": "Address Line 1 - Path",
"type": "PATH",
"properties": {
"paths": [
"matchType": "REGEX",
"matchStrength": 0.67,
"fieldValue": "(?i)(?>((st(reet)?_?-? ?addr(ess)?)|street?|(?<!email[-_ ]?|ip[-_ ]?|web[-_ ]?|url[-_ ]?)addr(ess)?)_?-? ?((l(i)?n(e)?)? ?_?(1|))?)"
"rejectStrength": 0.0
"domain": "ADDRESS",
"name": "Address Line 1 - Type",
"type": "TYPE",
"properties": {
"allowedTypes": [
"minimumLength": "20",
"typeName": "String"
"domain": "ADDRESS",
"name": "Address Line 1 - Regex",
"type": "REGEX",
"properties": {
"dataPatterns": [
"regex": "(?i)(.*[\\s]+b(ou)?l(e)?v(ar)?d[\\s]*.*)|(.*[\\s]+st(reet)?[\\s]*.*)|(.*[\\s]+ave[.]?(nue)?[\\s]*.*)|(.*[\\s]+r(oa)?d[\\s]*.*)|(.*[\\s]+l(a)?n(e)?[\\s]*.*)|(.*[\\s]+cir(cle)?[\\s]*.*)|(.*[\\s]+dr[.]?(ive)?[\\s]*.*)|(.*[\\s]+h(igh)?w(a)?y[\\s]*.*)|(.*[\\s]+r(ou)?t(e)?[\\s]*.*)|(.*[\\s]+c(our)?t[\\s]*.*)|(.*[\\s]+way[\\s]*.*)",
"matchStrength": 0.7,
"allowPartialMatch": false
"rejectStrength": 0.1
"domain": "ADDRESS_LINE2",
"name": "Address Line 2 - Path",
"type": "PATH",
"properties": {
"paths": [
"matchType": "REGEX",
"matchStrength": 0.67,
"fieldValue": "(?i)(?>((st(reet)?_?-? ?addr(ess)?)|street?|(?<!email[-_ ]?|ip[-_ ]?|web[-_ ]?|url[-_ ]?)addr(ess)?)_?-? ?((l(i)?n(e)?)? ?_?([2-9]))?)"
"rejectStrength": 0.0
"domain": "ADDRESS_LINE2",
"name": "Address Line 2 - Type",
"type": "TYPE",
"properties": {
"allowedTypes": [
"minimumLength": "20",
"typeName": "String"
"domain": "ADDRESS_LINE2",
"name": "Address Line 2 - Regex",
"type": "REGEX",
"properties": {
"dataPatterns": [
"regex": "(?i)(.*[\\s]*ap(ar)?t(ment)?[.\\s]+.*)|(.*[\\s]*s(ui)?te[.\\s]+.*)|(c(are)?[\\s]*[\\\\]?[/]?o(f)?[.\\s]+.*)|(.*[\\s]*b(ui)?ld(in)?g[.\\s]+.*)|(.*[\\s]*fl(oor)?[.\\s]+.*)|(.*[\\s]*r(oo)?m[.\\s]+.*)|(.*[\\s]*unit[.\\s]+.*)",
"matchStrength": 0.7,
"allowPartialMatch": false
"rejectStrength": 0.1
"domain": "AGE",
"name": "Age - Path",
"type": "PATH",
"properties": {
"paths": [
"matchType": "REGEX",
"matchStrength": 0.67,
"fieldValue": "(?i)(?>(^|[ _-])(age)[ _-]?(group|grp|number|num|nbr|no)?)($|[ _-])"
"rejectStrength": 1.0
"domain": "AGE",
"name": "Age - Regex",
"type": "REGEX",
"properties": {
"dataPatterns": [
"note": "Number range between 01 --> 99",
"regex": "\\d{1,2}",
"matchStrength": 0.1,
"allowPartialMatch": false
"rejectStrength": 0.1
"domain": "AGE",
"name": "Age - Type",
"type": "TYPE",
"properties": {
"allowedTypes": [
"minimumLength": "2",
"typeName": "Number"
"minimumLength": "2",
"typeName": "String"
"domain": "BANK_ACCOUNT_NO",
"name": "Bank Account Number - Path",
"type": "PATH",
"properties": {
"paths": [
"matchType": "REGEX",
"matchStrength": 0.67,
"fieldValue": "(?i)(?>(bank_?-? ?)?(account|accnt|acct)_?-? ?(number|num|nbr|no))($|[ _-])"
"rejectStrength": 0.0
"domain": "BANK_ACCOUNT_NO",
"name": "Bank Account Number - Regex",
"type": "REGEX",
"properties": {
"dataPatterns": [
"regex": "\\d{5,17}",
"matchStrength": 0.05,
"allowPartialMatch": false
"rejectStrength": 0.1
"domain": "BANK_ACCOUNT_NO",
"name": "Bank Account Number - Type",
"type": "TYPE",
"properties": {
"allowedTypes": [
"minimumLength": "5",
"typeName": "Number"
"matchAutoIncrementingColumn": true
"domain": "BENEFICIARY_NO",
"name": "Beneficiary Number - Path",
"type": "PATH",
"properties": {
"paths": [
"matchType": "REGEX",
"matchStrength": 0.67,
"fieldValue": "(?i)(?>(bene(ficiary)?_?-? ?(number|num|nbr|no|id)))"
"rejectStrength": 0.0
"domain": "BENEFICIARY_NO",
"name": "Beneficiary Number - Type",
"type": "TYPE",
"properties": {
"allowedTypes": [
"minimumLength": "5",
"typeName": "Number"
"minimumLength": "10",
"typeName": "String"
"domain": "BIOMETRIC",
"name": "Biometric - Path",
"type": "PATH",
"properties": {
"paths": [
"matchType": "REGEX",
"matchStrength": 0.67,
"fieldValue": "(?i)(?>(biometric))"
"rejectStrength": 0.0
"domain": "BIOMETRIC",
"name": "Biometric - Type",
"type": "TYPE",
"properties": {
"allowedTypes": [
"minimumLength": "10",
"typeName": "String"
"minimumLength": "0",
"typeName": "Binary"
"domain": "BLOOD_TYPE",
"name": "Blood Type - List",
"type": "LIST",
"properties": {
"valueLists": [
"file": "file://blood_types.txt",
"matchStrength": 1.0
"domain": "BLOOD_TYPE",
"name": "Blood Type - Path",
"type": "PATH",
"properties": {
"paths": [
"matchType": "REGEX",
"matchStrength": 0.67,
"fieldValue": "(?>blood[-_ ]?(group|grp|type))"
"rejectStrength": 0.0
"domain": "BLOOD_TYPE",
"name": "Blood Type - Type",
"type": "TYPE",
"properties": {
"allowedTypes": [
"minimumLength": "2",
"typeName": "String"
"domain": "CERTIFICATE_NO",
"name": "Certificate Number - Path",
"type": "PATH",
"properties": {
"paths": [
"matchType": "REGEX",
"matchStrength": 0.67,
"fieldValue": "(?i)(?>(^|[-_ ])cert(ificate)?_?-? ?(number|num|nbr|no|id))"
"rejectStrength": 0.0
"domain": "CERTIFICATE_NO",
"name": "Certificate Number - Type",
"type": "TYPE",
"properties": {
"allowedTypes": [
"minimumLength": "10",
"typeName": "String"
"minimumLength": "5",
"typeName": "Number"
"domain": "CITY",
"name": "City - List",
"type": "LIST",
"properties": {
"valueLists": [
"file": "file://us_cities.txt",
"matchStrength": 1.0
"domain": "CITY",
"name": "City - Path",
"type": "PATH",
"properties": {
"paths": [
"matchType": "REGEX",
"matchStrength": 0.67,
"fieldValue": "(?i)(?>^(home_?-? ?city|city))"
"matchType": "REGEX",
"matchStrength": 0.67,
"fieldValue": "(?i)(?>^(address_?-? ?city|city|city_?-? ?address))"
"rejectStrength": 0.0
"domain": "CITY",
"name": "City - Type",
"type": "TYPE",
"properties": {
"allowedTypes": [
"minimumLength": "10",
"typeName": "String"
"domain": "COMPANY_NAME",
"name": "Company Name - List",
"type": "LIST",
"properties": {
"valueLists": [
"file": "file://companies.txt",
"matchStrength": 1.0
"domain": "COMPANY_NAME",
"name": "Company Name - Path",
"type": "PATH",
"properties": {
"paths": [
"matchType": "REGEX",
"matchStrength": 0.67,
"fieldValue": "(?>(comp|company|org|organization|employer)[-_ ]?(name|nm))"
"rejectStrength": 0.0
"domain": "COMPANY_NAME",
"name": "Company Name - Type",
"type": "TYPE",
"properties": {
"allowedTypes": [
"minimumLength": "6",
"typeName": "String"
"domain": "COUNTRY",
"name": "Country - Path",
"type": "PATH",
"properties": {
"paths": [
"matchType": "REGEX",
"matchStrength": 0.67,
"fieldValue": "(?i)country",
"allowPartialMatch": false
"rejectStrength": 0.0
"domain": "COUNTRY",
"name": "Country - Type",
"type": "TYPE",
"properties": {
"allowedTypes": [
"minimumLength": "15",
"typeName": "String"
"domain": "COUNTRY",
"name": "Country - List",
"type": "LIST",
"properties": {
"valueLists": [
"file": "file://countries.txt",
"matchStrength": 1.0
"rejectStrength": 0.5
"domain": "COUNTY",
"name": "County - Path",
"type": "PATH",
"properties": {
"paths": [
"matchType": "REGEX",
"matchStrength": 0.67,
"fieldValue": "(?i)(?>(county))"
"rejectStrength": 0.0
"domain": "COUNTY",
"name": "County - Type",
"type": "TYPE",
"properties": {
"allowedTypes": [
"minimumLength": "10",
"typeName": "String"
"domain": "CREDIT CARD",
"name": "Credit Card Number - Path",
"type": "PATH",
"properties": {
"paths": [
"matchType": "REGEX",
"matchStrength": 0.67,
"fieldValue": "(?i)(?>(^cc|credit[ -_]?card)[ -_]?(number|num|nbr|no)?)"
"matchType": "REGEX",
"matchStrength": 0.67,
"fieldValue": "(?i)(?>card[ -_]?(number|num|nbr|no))"
"rejectStrength": 0.0
"domain": "CREDIT CARD",
"name": "Credit Card Number - Regex",
"type": "REGEX",
"properties": {
"dataPatterns": [
"regex": "(?:3[47][0-9]{2}[0-9]{6}[0-9]{4})",
"allowPartialMatch": false,
"checksumType": "LUHN",
"dataCleanRegex": "[ -.]",
"matchStrength": 0.9
"regex": "(?:4[0-9]{12}(?:[0-9]{3})?(?:[0-9]{3})?)",
"allowPartialMatch": false,
"checksumType": "LUHN",
"dataCleanRegex": "[ -.]",
"matchStrength": 0.9
"regex": "(?:5[1-5][0-9]{2}|222[1-9]|22[3-9][0-9]|2[3-6][0-9]{2}|27[01][0-9]|2720)[0-9]{12}",
"allowPartialMatch": false,
"checksumType": "LUHN",
"dataCleanRegex": "[ -.]",
"matchStrength": 0.9
"regex": "(?:2131|1800|35[0-9]{3})[0-9]{11}",
"allowPartialMatch": false,
"checksumType": "LUHN",
"dataCleanRegex": "[ -.]",
"matchStrength": 0.9
"regex": "3(?:0[0-5,9]|6[0-9])[0-9]{11}|3[89][0-9]{12}?(?:[0-9]{1,3})?",
"allowPartialMatch": false,
"checksumType": "LUHN",
"dataCleanRegex": "[ -.]",
"matchStrength": 0.9
"regex": "6(?:(011|5[0-9][0-9])[0-9]{2}|4[4-9][0-9]{3}|2212[6-9]|221[3-9][0-9]|22[2-8][0-9]{2}|229[0-1][0-9]|2292[0-5])[0-9]{10}?(?:[0-9]{3})?",
"allowPartialMatch": false,
"checksumType": "LUHN",
"dataCleanRegex": "[ -.]",
"matchStrength": 0.9
"rejectStrength": 0.1
"domain": "CREDIT CARD",
"name": "Credit Card Number - Type",
"type": "TYPE",
"properties": {
"allowedTypes": [
"minimumLength": "15",
"typeName": "Number"
"minimumLength": "15",
"typeName": "String"
"domain": "CUSTOMER_NO",
"name": "Customer Number - Path",
"type": "PATH",
"properties": {
"paths": [
"matchType": "REGEX",
"matchStrength": 0.67,
"fieldValue": "(?i)(?>(cust(omer|mr)?) ?_?-?(num(ber)?|nbr|no))"
"rejectStrength": 0.0
"domain": "CUSTOMER_NO",
"name": "Customer Number - Type",
"type": "TYPE",
"properties": {
"allowedTypes": [
"minimumLength": "5",
"typeName": "String"
"minimumLength": "5",
"typeName": "Number"
"domain": "DOB",
"name": "Date of Birth - Path",
"type": "PATH",
"properties": {
"paths": [
"matchType": "REGEX",
"matchStrength": 0.67,
"fieldValue": "(?i)(?>dob|dtofb|(day|date?|dt)_?-?(of)?_?(birth))"
"matchType": "REGEX",
"matchStrength": 0.67,
"fieldValue": "(?i)(?>b(irth)?_?-? ?(date|day|dt))"
"rejectStrength": 0.0
"domain": "DOB",
"name": "Date of Birth - Type",
"type": "TYPE",
"properties": {
"allowedTypes": [
"minimumLength": "6",
"typeName": "String"
"typeName": "Date"
"domain": "DEPARTMENT",
"name": "Department - List",
"type": "LIST",
"properties": {
"valueLists": [
"file": "file://departments.txt",
"matchStrength": 1.0
"tokenizeInput": true,
"tokenizationDelimiter": " "
"domain": "DEPARTMENT",
"name": "Department - Path",
"type": "PATH",
"properties": {
"paths": [
"matchType": "REGEX",
"matchStrength": 0.67,
"fieldValue": "(?>((dept|depa?rtme?nt)[-_ ]?(name|nm)))"
"rejectStrength": 0.0
"domain": "DEPARTMENT",
"name": "Department - Type",
"type": "TYPE",
"properties": {
"allowedTypes": [
"minimumLength": "5",
"typeName": "String"
"domain": "DRIVING_LC",
"name": "Drivers License - Path",
"type": "PATH",
"properties": {
"paths": [
"matchType": "REGEX",
"matchStrength": 0.67,
"fieldValue": "(?i)(?>(drivers?|lic(ense)?)_?-? ?(number|num|nbr|no))"
"rejectStrength": 0.0
"domain": "DRIVING_LC",
"name": "Drivers License - Type",
"type": "TYPE",
"properties": {
"allowedTypes": [
"minimumLength": "10",
"typeName": "Number"
"minimumLength": "10",
"typeName": "String"
"domain": "DRIVING_LC",
"name": "Drivers License - Regex",
"type": "REGEX",
"properties": {
"dataPatterns": [
"note": "One alpha followed by digits (short): AZ 1+8, CA 1+7, HI 1+8, IN 1+9, KS 1+8, MA 1+9, MO 1+5..9, MT 1+9, NE 1+6..8, NV 1+8, OH 1+4..8, OK 1+9, OR 1+6..7, RI 1+6, UT 4-10, VA 1+8..11, VT 1+8, WV 1+6",
"regex": "[A-Z][0-9]{4,9}",
"matchStrength": 0.15,
"allowPartialMatch": false
"note": "One alpha followed by digits (long): FL 1+12, MD 1+12, MI 1+12, MN 1+12, NJ 1+14, UT 4-10, VA 1+8..11",
"regex": "[A-Z][0-9]{10,14}",
"matchStrength": 0.3,
"allowPartialMatch": false
"note": "One alpha followed by digits with dashes (short): KS 1+8, KY 1+8, VA 1+8..11",
"dataCleanRegex": "[-]",
"regex": "[A-Z][0-9]{8,9}",
"matchStrength": 0.15,
"allowPartialMatch": false
"note": "One alpha followed by digits with dashes (long): FL 1+12, IL 1+11 or 1+12, MD 1+12, MN 1+12, VA 1+8..11, WI 1+13",
"dataCleanRegex": "[-]",
"regex": "[A-Z][0-9]{10,13}",
"matchStrength": 0.3,
"allowPartialMatch": false
"note": "Two alpha followed by digits: OH 2+3..7, WV 2+7",
"regex": "[A-Z]{2}[0-9]{3,7}",
"matchStrength": 0.2,
"allowPartialMatch": false
"note": "Digits followed by alpha: ME 7+1, MO 8+2 or 9+1, VT 7+1",
"regex": "[0-9]{7}[A-Z]|[0-9]{8}[A-Z]{2}|[0-9]{9}[A-Z]",
"matchStrength": 0.2,
"allowPartialMatch": false
"note": "Digits and spaces: NM 3-3-3, NY 3-3-3, PA 2-3-3",
"regex": "[0-9]{2,3} [0-9]{3} [0-9]{3}",
"matchStrength": 0.1,
"allowPartialMatch": false
"note": "Digit-alpha-digit: IA 3+2+4, NH 2+3+5",
"regex": "[0-9]{3}[A-Z]{2}[0-9]{4}|[0-9]{2}[A-Z]{3}[0-9]{5}",
"matchStrength": 0.3,
"allowPartialMatch": false
"note": "Digits only: AL 7-8, AK 7, AZ 9, AR 9, CT 9, DE 7, DC 7, GA 9, HI 9, IA 9, LA 8, ME 7-8, MA 9, M0 9, MT 9 or 13-14, NV 9-10 or 12, NY 9, NM 8-9, NC 1-12, ND 9, OH 8, OK 9, RI 7, SC 5-11, SD 6-10 or 12, TN 7-9, TX 7-8, VA 9, WV 7, WY 9",
"regex": "([0-9]{6,14})",
"matchStrength": 0.0,
"allowPartialMatch": false
"note": "CO",
"regex": "[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{3}-[0-9]{4}",
"matchStrength": 0.1,
"allowPartialMatch": false
"note": "ID",
"regex": "[A-Z]{2}[0-9]{6}[A-Z]",
"matchStrength": 0.3,
"allowPartialMatch": false
"note": "IN",
"regex": "[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{4}",
"matchStrength": 0.1,
"allowPartialMatch": false
"note": "MA - SA + 7 digits",
"regex": "SA[0-9]{7}",
"matchStrength": 0.5,
"allowPartialMatch": false
"note": "MI - 1 alpha + 12 digits with spaces",
"regex": "[A-Z]( [0-9]{3}){4}",
"matchStrength": 0.5,
"allowPartialMatch": false
"note": "MS - looks just like SSN with dashes",
"regex": "([0-9]{3}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{4})",
"matchStrength": 0.0,
"allowPartialMatch": false
"note": "MO - not covered elsewhere",
"regex": "[0-9]{3}[A-Z][0-9]{6}|[A-Z][0-9]{6}R",
"matchStrength": 0.3,
"allowPartialMatch": false
"note": "NH - NHL + 8 digits",
"regex": "NHL[0-9]{8}",
"matchStrength": 0.5,
"allowPartialMatch": false
"note": "ND - 3 letters, 6 digits with spaces",
"regex": "[A-Z]{3} ?[0-9]{2} ?[0-9]{4}",
"matchStrength": 0.3,
"allowPartialMatch": false
"note": "NJ 1 alpha + 14 digits with spaces",
"dataCleanRegex": "[-]",
"regex": "[A-Z][0-9]{4} [0-9]{5} [0-9]{5}",
"matchStrength": 0.4,
"allowPartialMatch": false
"note": "WA - old - very broad will match any 12 position alpha string",
"regex": "[A-Z]([A-Z]{4}|[A-Z]{3}[*]|[A-Z]{2}[*]{2}|[A-Z]{1}[*]{3})[A-Z]{2}[0-9A-Z]{5}",
"matchStrength": 0.0,
"allowPartialMatch": false
"note": "WA - new",
"regex": "WDL[0-9A-Z]{9}",
"matchStrength": 0.3,
"allowPartialMatch": false
"note": "WY - 9 digits with a dash",
"regex": "[0-9]{6}-[0-9]{3}",
"matchStrength": 0.1,
"allowPartialMatch": false
"rejectStrength": 0.75
"domain": "EMAIL",
"name": "Email Address - Path",
"type": "PATH",
"properties": {
"paths": [
"matchType": "REGEX",
"matchStrength": 0.67,
"fieldValue": "(?i)(cust|customer|partner|home|private|def|default)_?-? ?(email)_?-? ?(address|)"
"matchType": "REGEX",
"matchStrength": 0.67,
"fieldValue": "(?i)(?>(email_?-? ?)(addr?e?s?s?)?)"
"rejectStrength": 0.0
"domain": "EMAIL",
"name": "Email Address - Regex",
"type": "REGEX",
"properties": {
"dataPatterns": [
"regex": "[A-Z0-9.!#$%&'*+/=?^_{|}~-]{1,64}@(?=.{1,255}$)[A-Z0-9-]+(?:\\.[A-Z0-9-]+)*",
"matchStrength": 0.9,
"allowPartialMatch": false
"rejectStrength": 0.1
"domain": "EMAIL",
"name": "Email Address - Type",
"type": "TYPE",
"properties": {
"allowedTypes": [
"minimumLength": "20",
"typeName": "String"
"domain": "ETHNICITY",
"name": "Ethnicity - List",
"type": "LIST",
"properties": {
"valueLists": [
"file": "file://ethnicities.txt",
"matchStrength": 1.0
"domain": "ETHNICITY",
"name": "Ethnicity - Path",
"type": "PATH",
"properties": {
"paths": [
"matchType": "REGEX",
"matchStrength": 0.67,
"fieldValue": "(?>ethnicity|ethnicities|^race)"
"rejectStrength": 0.0
"domain": "ETHNICITY",
"name": "Ethnicity - Type",
"type": "TYPE",
"properties": {
"allowedTypes": [
"minimumLength": "7",
"typeName": "String"
"domain": "FIRST_NAME",
"name": "First Name - List",
"type": "LIST",
"properties": {
"valueLists": [
"file": "file://us_first.txt",
"matchStrength": 1.0
"file": "file://de_first.txt",
"matchStrength": 1.0
"file": "file://ch_first.txt",
"matchStrength": 1.0
"domain": "FIRST_NAME",
"name": "First Name - Path",
"type": "PATH",
"properties": {
"paths": [
"matchType": "REGEX",
"matchStrength": 0.67,
"fieldValue": "(?i)(?>(mid(dle)?_?-? ?(na?me?))(_?-?user)?)"
"matchType": "REGEX",
"matchStrength": 0.67,
"fieldValue": "(?i)(?>(f(irst)?_?-? ?(na?me?))(_?-?user)?)"
"rejectStrength": 0.0
"domain": "FIRST_NAME",
"name": "First Name - Type",
"type": "TYPE",
"properties": {
"allowedTypes": [
"minimumLength": "10",
"typeName": "String"
"domain": "TEXT",
"name": "Text - Path",
"type": "PATH",
"properties": {
"paths": [
"matchType": "REGEX",
"matchStrength": 0.67,
"fieldValue": "(?>(free[-_ ]?text|comment|description|note|remark|text|user[-_ ]?input|user[-_ ]?text))"
"rejectStrength": 0.0
"domain": "TEXT",
"name": "Text - Type",
"type": "TYPE",
"properties": {
"allowedTypes": [
"minimumLength": "20",
"typeName": "String"
"domain": "FULL_NAME",
"name": "Full Name - Path",
"type": "PATH",
"properties": {
"paths": [
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"fieldValue": "(?i)(?>((fu?l?l|whole|user)([-_ ]*)?(na?me?)))"
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"file": "file://de_first.txt",
"matchStrength": 0.7
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"matchStrength": 0.7
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"matchStrength": 0.7
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"matchStrength": 0.7
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"matchStrength": 0.7
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"tokenizationDelimiter": " "
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"properties": {
"paths": [
"matchType": "REGEX",
"matchStrength": 0.67,
"fieldValue": "(?i)(?>(ge?nde?r|sex)[-_ ]?(type|identity)?)($|[-_ ])"
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"domain": "GENDER",
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"name": "Gender - List",
"type": "LIST",
"properties": {
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"file": "file://genders.txt",
"matchStrength": 0.9
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"domain": "HIPAA_DATE",
"name": "HIPAA Date - Path",
"type": "PATH",
"properties": {
"paths": [
"matchType": "REGEX",
"matchStrength": 0.67,
"fieldValue": "(?i)(?>(adm(it|ission)?|tr(ea)?t(ment)?_?-?|ds|disc(h|harge))-?_? ?(date|day|dt))"
"rejectStrength": 0.0
"domain": "HIPAA_DATE",
"name": "HIPAA Date - Type",
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"properties": {
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"typeName": "String"
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"domain": "HOUSE_NO",
"name": "House Number - Path",
"type": "PATH",
"properties": {
"paths": [
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"matchStrength": 0.67,
"fieldValue": "(?>(house?|plot)[_ -]?(number|num|nbr|no|id))"
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"domain": "HOUSE_NO",
"name": "House Number - Type",
"type": "TYPE",
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"minimumLength": "1",
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"name": "IBAN - Path",
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"properties": {
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"matchType": "REGEX",
"matchStrength": 0.67,
"fieldValue": "(?>(^|[-_ ])iban|(international|int|intl)[-_ ]?bank[-_ ]?acc(ount)?[-_ ]?(number|num|nbr|no))"
"rejectStrength": 0.0
"domain": "IBAN",
"name": "IBAN - Regex",
"type": "REGEX",
"properties": {
"dataPatterns": [
"note": "Fetched from: '', List of countries in order for regex formats listed below: Andorra, United Arab Emirates (The), Albania, Austria, Azerbaijan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Belgium, Bulgaria, Bahrain, Burundi, Brazil, Republic of Belarus, Switzerland, Costa Rica, Cyprus, Czechia, Germany, Djibouti, Denmark, Dominican Republic, Estonia, Egypt, Spain, Finland, Faroe Islands, France, United Kingdom, Georgia, Gibraltar, Greenland, Greece, Guatemala, Croatia, Hungary, Ireland, Israel, Iraq, Iceland, Italy, Jordan, Kuwait, Kazakhstan, Lebanon, Saint Lucia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Latvia, Libya, Monaco, Moldova, Montenegro, Macedonia, Mauritania, Malta, Mauritius, Netherlands, Norway, Pakistan, Poland, Palestine, State of, Portugal, Qatar, Romania, Serbia, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Seychelles, Sudan, Sweden, Slovenia, Slovakia, San Marino, Somalia, Sao Tome and Principe, El Salvador, Timor-Leste, Tunisia, Turkey, Ukraine, Vatican City State, Virgin Islands, Kosovo",
"regex": "(AD[0-9]{10}[A-Z0-9]{12})|(AE[0-9]{21})|(AL[0-9]{10}[A-Z0-9]{16})|(AT[0-9]{18})|(AZ[0-9]{2}[A-Z]{4}[A-Z0-9]{20})|(BA[0-9]{18})|(BE[0-9]{14})|(BG[0-9]{2}[A-Z]{4}[0-9]{6}[A-Z0-9]{8})|(BH[0-9]{2}[A-Z]{4}[A-Z0-9]{14})|(BI[0-9]{25})|(BR[0-9]{25}[A-Z]{1}[A-Z0-9]{1})|(BY[0-9]{2}[A-Z0-9]{4}[0-9]{4}[A-Z0-9]{16})|(CH[0-9]{7}[A-Z0-9]{12})|(CR[0-9]{20})|(CY[0-9]{10}[A-Z0-9]{16})|(CZ[0-9]{22})|(DE[0-9]{20})|(DJ[0-9]{25})|(DK[0-9]{16})|(DO[0-9]{2}[A-Z0-9]{4}[0-9]{20})|(EE[0-9]{18})|(EG[0-9]{27})|(ES[0-9]{22})|(FI[0-9]{16})|(FO[0-9]{16})|(FR[0-9]{12}[A-Z0-9]{11}[0-9]{2})|(GB[0-9]{2}[A-Z]{4}[0-9]{14})|(GE[0-9]{2}[A-Z]{2}[0-9]{16})|(GI[0-9]{2}[A-Z]{4}[A-Z0-9]{15})|(GL[0-9]{16})|(GR[0-9]{9}[A-Z0-9]{16})|(GT[0-9]{2}[A-Z0-9]{24})|(HR[0-9]{19})|(HU[0-9]{26})|(IE[0-9]{2}[A-Z]{4}[0-9]{14})|(IL[0-9]{21})|(IQ[0-9]{2}[A-Z]{4}[0-9]{15})|(IS[0-9]{24})|(IT[0-9]{2}[A-Z]{1}[0-9]{10}[A-Z0-9]{12})|(JO[0-9]{2}[A-Z]{4}[0-9]{4}[A-Z0-9]{18})|(KW[0-9]{2}[A-Z]{4}[A-Z0-9]{22})|(KZ[0-9]{5}[A-Z0-9]{13})|(LB[0-9]{6}[A-Z0-9]{20})|(LC[0-9]{2}[A-Z]{4}[A-Z0-9]{24})|(LI[0-9]{7}[A-Z0-9]{12})|(LT[0-9]{18})|(LU[0-9]{5}[A-Z0-9]{13})|(LV[0-9]{2}[A-Z]{4}[A-Z0-9]{13})|(LY[0-9]{23})|(MC[0-9]{12}[A-Z0-9]{11}[0-9]{2})|(MD[0-9]{2}[A-Z0-9]{20})|(ME[0-9]{20})|(MK[0-9]{5}[A-Z0-9]{10}[0-9]{2})|(MR[0-9]{25})|(MT[0-9]{2}[A-Z]{4}[0-9]{5}[A-Z0-9]{18})|(MU[0-9]{2}[A-Z]{4}[0-9]{19}[A-Z]{3})|(NL[0-9]{2}[A-Z]{4}[0-9]{10})|(NO[0-9]{13})|(PK[0-9]{2}[A-Z]{4}[A-Z0-9]{16})|(PL[0-9]{26})|(PS[0-9]{2}[A-Z]{4}[A-Z0-9]{21})|(PT[0-9]{23})|(QA[0-9]{2}[A-Z]{4}[A-Z0-9]{21})|(RO[0-9]{2}[A-Z]{4}[A-Z0-9]{16})|(RS[0-9]{20})|(RU[0-9]{31})|(SA[0-9]{4}[A-Z0-9]{18})|(SC[0-9]{2}[A-Z]{4}[0-9]{20}[A-Z]{3})|(SD[0-9]{16})|(SE[0-9]{22})|(SI[0-9]{17})|(SK[0-9]{22})|(SM[0-9]{2}[A-Z]{1}[0-9]{10}[A-Z0-9]{12})|(SO[0-9]{21})|(ST[0-9]{23})|(SV[0-9]{2}[A-Z]{4}[0-9]{20})|(TL[0-9]{21})|(TN[0-9]{22})|(TR[0-9]{8}[A-Z0-9]{16})|(UA[0-9]{8}[A-Z0-9]{19})|(VA[0-9]{20})|(VG[0-9]{2}[A-Z]{4}[0-9]{16})|(XK[0-9]{18})",
"allowPartialMatch": false,
"checksumType": "MOD97",
"matchStrength": 0.9
"rejectStrength": 0.1
"domain": "IBAN",
"name": "IBAN - Type",
"type": "TYPE",
"properties": {
"allowedTypes": [
"minimumLength": "15",
"typeName": "String"
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"properties": {
"paths": [
"matchType": "REGEX",
"matchStrength": 0.67,
"fieldValue": "(?i)(?>(ip_?-? ?addre?s?s?))"
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"domain": "IP ADDRESS",
"name": "IP Address - Type",
"type": "TYPE",
"properties": {
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"typeName": "String"
"domain": "IP ADDRESS",
"name": "IP Address - Regex",
"type": "REGEX",
"properties": {
"dataPatterns": [
"regex": "(?>((25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\\.){3}(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?))",
"note": "IPv4",
"allowPartialMatch": false,
"matchStrength": 0.9
"regex": "(?>([A-F0-9]{0,4}:){2,7}[A-F0-9]{0,4})",
"note": "IPv6 standard addresses",
"allowPartialMatch": false,
"matchStrength": 0.9
"regex": "(?>(([A-F0-9]{0,4}:){2,6})((25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\\.){3}(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?))",
"note": "IPv6 dual addresses",
"allowPartialMatch": false,
"matchStrength": 0.9
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"properties": {
"paths": [
"matchType": "REGEX",
"matchStrength": 0.67,
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"rejectStrength": 0.0
"domain": "JOB_TITLE",
"name": "Job Title - Type",
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"properties": {
"allowedTypes": [
"minimumLength": "7",
"typeName": "String"
"domain": "LANGUAGE",
"name": "Language - List",
"type": "LIST",
"properties": {
"valueLists": [
"file": "file://languages.txt",
"matchStrength": 1.0
"domain": "LANGUAGE",
"name": "Language - Path",
"type": "PATH",
"properties": {
"paths": [
"matchType": "REGEX",
"matchStrength": 0.67,
"fieldValue": "(?>la?nguage)"
"rejectStrength": 0.0
"domain": "LANGUAGE",
"name": "Language - Type",
"type": "TYPE",
"properties": {
"allowedTypes": [
"minimumLength": "7",
"typeName": "String"
"domain": "LAST_NAME",
"name": "Last Name - List",
"type": "LIST",
"properties": {
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"file": "file://de_last.txt",
"matchStrength": 1.0
"file": "file://ch_last.txt",
"matchStrength": 1.0
"domain": "LAST_NAME",
"name": "Last Name - Path",
"type": "PATH",
"properties": {
"paths": [
"matchType": "REGEX",
"matchStrength": 0.67,
"fieldValue": "(?i)(?>((l(as)?t)_?-? ?(na?me?))(_?-?user)?)"
"matchType": "REGEX",
"matchStrength": 0.67,
"fieldValue": "(?i)(?>(sur) ?_?-? ?(name)?_?-? ?(no|id|str|value|))"
"rejectStrength": 0.0
"domain": "LAST_NAME",
"name": "Last Name - Type",
"type": "TYPE",
"properties": {
"allowedTypes": [
"minimumLength": "10",
"typeName": "String"
"domain": "PLATE_NO",
"name": "License Plate - Path",
"type": "PATH",
"properties": {
"paths": [
"matchType": "REGEX",
"matchStrength": 0.67,
"fieldValue": "(?i)(?>(license|li?c)?[-_ ]?plate[-_ ]?(number|num|nbr|no)?)"
"rejectStrength": 0.0
"domain": "PLATE_NO",
"name": "License Plate - Type",
"type": "TYPE",
"properties": {
"allowedTypes": [
"minimumLength": "1",
"typeName": "String"
"name": "Location Coordinates - Path",
"type": "PATH",
"properties": {
"paths": [
"matchType": "REGEX",
"matchStrength": 0.67,
"fieldValue": "(?i)(?>((map|geographica?l?|areal|location|lat(itude)?|lo?ng(itude)?)[-_ ]?(co-?o?rd(inates?)?)|(latitude|longitude|co-?o?rdinates?)([-_ ]value)?))"
"rejectStrength": 0.0
"name": "Location Coordinates - Regex",
"type": "REGEX",
"properties": {
"dataPatterns": [
"note": "Latitude and Longitude in decimal degrees format",
"regex": "(?!^[+-]?\\d+[. ]\\d+([. ]\\d+)?$)(?:[+-]?([1-8]?[0-9])[. °](\\d{4,8})°?[NS]?,? ?)?[+-]?([1-9]?[0-9]|1[0-7][0-9])[. °](\\d{4,8})°?[NEWS]?",
"allowPartialMatch": false,
"matchStrength": 0.9
"note": "Latitude or Longitude in decimal degrees format (float value format with low confidence)",
"regex": "(?:[+-]?([1-9]?[0-9]|1[0-7][0-9])[. ]\\d{4,8})",
"allowPartialMatch": false,
"matchStrength": 0.05
"note": "Latitude & longitude in degrees & minutes format",
"regex": "(?:[+-]?([1-8]?[0-9])[. °]([0-5]?[0-9])\\.(\\d{3,4})(?:'|′)?[NS]?,? ?)?[+-]?([1-9]?[0-9]|1[0-7][0-9])[. °]([0-5]?[0-9])\\.(\\d{3,4})(?:'|′)?[NEWS]?",
"allowPartialMatch": false,
"matchStrength": 0.9
"note": "Latitude and Longitude in degrees, minutes & seconds format",
"regex": "(?:[+-]?([1-8]?[0-9])[. °]([0-5]?[0-9])(?:'|′)([0-5]?[0-9])(\\.\\d{1,2})?(?:\"|″)[NS]?,? ?)?[+-]?([1-9]?[0-9]|1[0-7][0-9])[. °]([0-5]?[0-9])(?:'|′)([0-5]?[0-9])(\\.\\d{1,2})?(?:\"|″)[NEWS]?",
"allowPartialMatch": false,
"matchStrength": 0.9
"rejectStrength": 0.1
"name": "Location Coordinates - Type",
"type": "TYPE",
"properties": {
"allowedTypes": [
"minimumLength": "8",
"typeName": "String"
"minimumLength": "8",
"typeName": "Number"
"domain": "MARITAL_STATUS",
"name": "Marital Status - List",
"type": "LIST",
"properties": {
"valueLists": [
"file": "file://marital_status.txt",
"matchStrength": 1.0
"domain": "MARITAL_STATUS",
"name": "Marital Status - Path",
"type": "PATH",
"properties": {
"paths": [
"matchType": "REGEX",
"matchStrength": 0.67,
"fieldValue": "(?>(marital|marriage|married)[-_ ]?sta?tu?s)"
"rejectStrength": 0.0
"domain": "MARITAL_STATUS",
"name": "Marital Status - Type",
"type": "TYPE",
"properties": {
"allowedTypes": [
"minimumLength": "6",
"typeName": "String"
"domain": "MEDICAL_CODES",
"name": "Medical Codes - Path",
"type": "PATH",
"properties": {
"paths": [
"matchType": "REGEX",
"matchStrength": 0.67,
"fieldValue": "(?>(med(ica?l)?|(med(ica?l)?|hosp(ita?l)?)[-_ ]?(condition|cond|procedure|proc|bill(ing)?|diag(nosis)?|diagnostic|pcs|cpt))[-_ ]?(code|cd))"
"matchType": "REGEX",
"matchStrength": 0.67,
"fieldValue": "(?>(^|[-_ ])(icd[-_ ]?(9|10|11)?[-_ ]?(cm|pcs)?|cpt)[-_ ]?(code|cd)?)"
"rejectStrength": 0.0
"domain": "MEDICAL_CODES",
"name": "Medical Codes - Regex",
"type": "REGEX",
"properties": {
"dataPatterns": [
"note": "ICD-9 codes: Legacy medical disease and diagnostic codes used world-wide",
"regex": "\\d{3}\\.\\d{0,2}|E\\d{3}\\.?\\d?|V\\d{2}\\.?\\d{0,2}",
"allowPartialMatch": false,
"matchStrength": 0.05
"note": "ICD-10-CM codes: Newer medical disease and diagnostic codes used world-wide",
"regex": "[A-Z][0-9][0-9AB]\\.?[0-9A-Z]{0,4}",
"allowPartialMatch": false,
"matchStrength": 0.15
"note": "ICD-10-PCS (Procedure Coding System) codes: Medical inpatient procedure codes used world-wide.",
"regex": "[0-9A-HJ-NP-Z]{7}",
"allowPartialMatch": false,
"matchStrength": 0.05
"note": "CPT (Current Procedural Terminology) codes (end with alpha regex): Medical procedure codes used mainly in USA and a few handful of countries.",
"regex": "[0-9]{4}[A-Z]",
"allowPartialMatch": false,
"matchStrength": 0.2
"note": "CPT (Current Procedural Terminology) codes (no alpha regex): Medical procedure codes used mainly in USA and a few handful of countries.",
"regex": "[0-9]{4}[0-9]",
"allowPartialMatch": false,
"matchStrength": 0.05
"rejectStrength": 0.1
"domain": "MEDICAL_CODES",
"name": "Medical Codes - Type",
"type": "TYPE",
"properties": {
"allowedTypes": [
"minimumLength": "3",
"typeName": "String"
"minimumLength": "3",
"typeName": "Number"
"domain": "MEDICAL_DRUG",
"name": "Medical Drug - List",
"type": "LIST",
"properties": {
"valueLists": [
"file": "file://medical_drugs_generic.txt",
"matchStrength": 1.0
"file": "file://medical_drugs_brand.txt",
"matchStrength": 1.0
"tokenizeInput": true,
"tokenizationDelimiter": " "
"domain": "MEDICAL_DRUG",
"name": "Medical Drug - Path",
"type": "PATH",
"properties": {
"paths": [
"matchType": "REGEX",
"matchStrength": 0.67,
"fieldValue": "(?>(med|medical|prescription)?[-_ ]?drug([-_ ]?(prescription)?)(name|nm)?|(medicine?|medication)[-_ ]?(name|nm))"
"rejectStrength": 0.0
"domain": "MEDICAL_DRUG",
"name": "Medical Drug - Type",
"type": "TYPE",
"properties": {
"allowedTypes": [
"minimumLength": "6",
"typeName": "String"
"domain": "NATIONAL_ORIGIN",
"name": "National Origin - List",
"type": "LIST",
"properties": {
"valueLists": [
"file": "file://national_origins.txt",
"matchStrength": 1.0
"domain": "NATIONAL_ORIGIN",
"name": "National Origin - Path",
"type": "PATH",
"properties": {
"paths": [
"matchType": "REGEX",
"matchStrength": 0.67,
"fieldValue": "(?>nationa?li?ty|nat(ion)?a?l[-_ ]?(ori?gi?ns?))"
"rejectStrength": 0.0
"domain": "NATIONAL_ORIGIN",
"name": "National Origin - Type",
"type": "TYPE",
"properties": {
"allowedTypes": [
"minimumLength": "2",
"typeName": "String"
"domain": "PO_BOX",
"name": "PO Box - Path",
"type": "PATH",
"properties": {
"paths": [
"matchType": "REGEX",
"matchStrength": 0.67,
"fieldValue": "(?i)(?>(p.?o.?_?-? ?box|post_?-? ?office_?-? ?box ?_?-?)(number|num|nbr|no)?)"
"rejectStrength": 0.0
"domain": "PO_BOX",
"name": "PO Box - Type",
"type": "TYPE",
"properties": {
"allowedTypes": [
"minimumLength": "4",
"typeName": "String"
"minimumLength": "4",
"typeName": "Number"
"domain": "PASSWORD",
"name": "Password - Path",
"type": "PATH",
"properties": {
"paths": [
"matchType": "REGEX",
"matchStrength": 0.67,
"fieldValue": "(?i)(?>(pass(?!po?rt)) ?_?-??(word)?_?-? ?(word|nbr|no|id|value|))"
"rejectStrength": 0.0
"domain": "PASSWORD",
"name": "Password - Type",
"type": "TYPE",
"properties": {
"allowedTypes": [
"minimumLength": "6",
"typeName": "String"
"domain": "PAYMENT_AMOUNT",
"name": "Payment Amount - Path",
"type": "PATH",
"properties": {
"paths": [
"matchType": "REGEX",
"matchStrength": 0.67,
"fieldValue": "(?i)(?>[-_ ]?(amount|amnt|amt|balance|price)($|[ _-]))"
"rejectStrength": 0.0
"domain": "PAYMENT_AMOUNT",
"name": "Payment Amount - Regex",
"type": "REGEX",
"properties": {
"dataPatterns": [
"note": "International currency symbols and abbreviations from: Regex prefixed with symbol",
"allowPartialMatch": false,
"matchStrength": 0.9
"note": "International currency symbols and abbreviations from: Regex suffixed with symbol",
"allowPartialMatch": false,
"matchStrength": 0.9
"note": "Currency with Numeric digits and without prefix or suffix currency symbols, but ending in decimals",
"regex": "[+-]?(\\d{1,3}(,\\d{3})*|(\\d+))(\\.\\d{2})",
"allowPartialMatch": false,
"matchStrength": 0.3
"rejectStrength": 0.1
"domain": "PAYMENT_AMOUNT",
"name": "Payment Amount - Type",
"type": "TYPE",
"properties": {
"allowedTypes": [
"minimumLength": "4",
"typeName": "String"
"minimumLength": "4",
"typeName": "Number"
"domain": "POLITICAL_ORIEN",
"name": "Political Orientation - List",
"type": "LIST",
"properties": {
"valueLists": [
"file": "file://political_orientations.txt",
"matchStrength": 1.0
"rejectStrength": 0.3
"domain": "POLITICAL_ORIEN",
"name": "Political Orientation - Path",
"type": "PATH",
"properties": {
"paths": [
"matchType": "REGEX",
"matchStrength": 0.67,
"fieldValue": "(?>politi?ca?l[-_ ]?(orie?nt?(ation)?s?|pref(er)?(ence)?s?|ideolo?gy))"
"rejectStrength": 0.0
"domain": "POLITICAL_ORIEN",
"name": "Political Orientation - Type",
"type": "TYPE",
"properties": {
"allowedTypes": [
"minimumLength": "3",
"typeName": "String"
"domain": "ZIP",
"name": "Postcode - Path",
"type": "PATH",
"properties": {
"paths": [
"matchType": "REGEX",
"matchStrength": 0.67,
"fieldValue": "(?i)(?>(zip|post|postal)_?-? ?(co?de?)|(zip))"
"rejectStrength": 0.0
"domain": "ZIP",
"name": "Postcode - Regex",
"type": "REGEX",
"properties": {
"dataPatterns": [
"regex": "^[0-9]{5}(?:-[0-9]{4})$",
"matchStrength": 0.7
"regex": "^[0-9]{5}$",
"matchStrength": 0.2
"rejectStrength": 0.1
"domain": "ZIP",
"name": "Postcode - Type",
"type": "TYPE",
"properties": {
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"name": "Precinct - Path",
"type": "PATH",
"properties": {
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The ASDD Standard profile set can identify the following PII:
ASDD Standard identifiable PII
Account Number
Address Line 1
Address Line 2
Bank Account Number
Beneficicary Number
Blood Type
Certificate Number
Company Name
Credit Card Number
Customer Number
Date of Birth
Drivers License
Email Address
First Name
Full Name
House Number
IP Address
Job Title
Last Name
License Plate
Location Coordinate
Marital Status
Medical Codes
Medical Drug
National Origin
PO Box
Payment Amount
Political Orientation
Record Number
Religious Orientation
Routing Number
School Name
Security Code
Serial Number
Sexual Orientation
Social Security Number
Swift Code
Tax ID
Telephone Number
Union Membership Number
US Passport
US State
USPS State Code
Vehicle Identification Number
User ID