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dlpx-core:BR - Financial ID

Based >Extensible Algorithm Framework

The BR - Financial ID algorithm is the built in instance of the BR - Financial ID framework.

This algorithm masks string input of formatted CPF and CNPJ numbers from Brazil. It can mask the forms with or without punctuation. The earlier digits are masked with a chained instance of CM Numeric, and a checksum is calculated from them for the last two. The input and output numbers are both validated for length, format and accuracy of the checksum. The format of CPF has 9 randomized digits with a total of 1 billion combinations, making masked collisions possible by its nature but very unlikely.

This default instance does not mask input that fails the validation. Strings failing validation will throw a NonConformantDataException and be flagged in the job logs.

For example:

  • "842.262.714-08" → "209.674.029-05"

  • "70.193.999/0001-18" → "28.823.097/0001-51"

  • "84226271408" → "20967402905"

  • "70193999000118" → "28823097000151"

This algorithm may generate non-conformant data events.

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