Built-in DB2 iSeries driver support plugin
For information about how to enable/disable Drop Constraints, Drop Indexes, and Disable Triggers on DB2 iSeries jobs, refer to API Calls for Managing Masking Job Driver Support Tasks.
Unlike other database platforms, DB2 does not support disabling constraints or indexes. Therefore, this plugin has Drop Constraints, Drop Indexes, and Disable Triggers tasks.
For in-place jobs:
Drop Constraints drops and re-creates constraints on masked columns only.
Drop Indexes drops and re-creates indexes on masked columns only (except for indexes automatically generated by DB2 iSeries to support a primary key or unique constraint, those are dropped by Drop Constraints).
The Drop Indexes task can fail on tables in a REORG required state. Refer to Known Limitations.
Disable Triggers disable and re-enable triggers on tables with masked columns only.
For on-the-fly jobs, the tasks will execute on all columns and tables in the ruleset.
Task Execution Order
The order of task execution for built-in driver support plugins is fixed/unmodifiable.
The order of the tasks is as follows:
Drop Constraints
Drop Indexes
Disable Triggers
Post-job (mirrored order):
Enable Triggers
Create Indexes
Create Constraints
Important Considerations
If masking primary key fields, use the same deterministic algorithms on primary key fields that reference each other so that referential integrity is maintained when the masking transformation completes and all constraints are re-created.
Known Limitations
If both a foreign key column and the primary key or unique column it references are not masked with the same deterministic algorithm (guaranteeing referential integrity), the job will fail due to an integrity constraint violation.
Disable Triggers are only effective for Db2 iSeries version 7.2 or later, as disabling triggers weren't supported in versions 7.1 and earlier. If run against those prior versions, Disable Triggers will operate silently without dropping any triggers.
Drop Indexes cannot detect indexes on masked columns if those column names are used in key expressions.
Indexes dropped and recreated by Drop Indexes will not have the following if originally specified:
FOR SYSTEM NAME system-object-identifier
clauseRCDFMT format-name
clauseRENAME table-system-column-name TO
Requires journaling to be enabled on the tables, the job will fail with ErrorCode(-7008).
Changes to table definition like index modifications can lead to a table in a ‘REORG REQUIRED’ or ‘REORG PENDING' state. If this occurs the reorg must be administered by a DBA or other user with elevated permissions to use admin commands. Tables in this state prevent some actions and will fail to recreate indexes, rejected by DB2 with a
. Refer to the documentation on a specific DB2 version for information on how it calculates when to put a table in the 'REORG PENDING' state.