Configuring virtualization service for masked provisioning
During the VDB provisioning process, the Virtualization Engine can optionally run a masking job from a Continuous Compliance engine on the VDB. Use these instructions to customize the host address, port number, and/or login credentials that the Virtualization Engine will use to contact the Masking Engine.
Delphix Masking and Delphix Virtualization must never be run inside the same virtual machine. Always use separate, dedicated Delphix Engines for Masking and Virtualization.
Important validation notices
When configuring masked provisioning, ensure that the versions of the Virtualization Engine and Masking Engine are compatible. See the compatibility matrix.
Old versions of the serviceconfig or any information associated with them are not tracked. In particular, if you have been using the local masking service or a remote service and then change to a new remote service Delphix will start throwing out any old job information on the next masking job/fetch or GUI reload. Users should not rely on that information being preserved through serviceconfig updates.
Delphix does not validate network availability between the two engines or any other hosts that both engines might want to communicate with. The state or availability of either host is not checked, if either host becomes unduly slow, congested, or unresponsive Delphix will not be able to issue compelling warnings regarding those issues.
Use these instructions to customize the host address, port number, and/or login credentials that the Virtualization Engine will use to contact the Masking Engine.
This does not alter the Continuous Compliance Engine UI port. It is specific to coordinating communication between the Virtualization Engine and a Masking Engine about available masking jobs and job results.
To change the Virtualization Engine's connection details for its Masking Engine:
Using a shell, login to the CLI using:
On 5.2 and earlier releases: delphix_admin.
On 5.3 and later releases: admin.
At the CLI root prompt, type maskingjob.
At the maskingjob prompt, type serviceconfig.
To list service configurations, type ls.
At the serviceconfig, type select `MASKING_SERVICE_CONFIG-1.
To view the configurations, type ls.
With this service config selected, enter update.
In the update mode, use the set command to modify the configuration. For example, type
to change the port number.Commit the change by typing commit.
Type ls to confirm the configurations.
Type exit to exit the CLI.