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Monitor Async Task Status

This section describes how users can monitor the progress and Async Task status of an Import, Export or any other async actions performed.

Async task status

To check the async task status:

  1. From the Monitor section, select the Async Task Status option.

  2. A list of all Async operations performed appears in a grid, this grid is by default listed with the latest operation on the top.

  3. You can filter or sort data by the various informational fields, by clicking on those respective fields. More information on grid filtering and sorting can be found in the Graphical user interface page.

  4. To find a particular Async Task Status for an Import/Export action performed, input the Async Task Id from the response of the corresponding Import/Export into the search field located in the table header under "Task ID."


From the result grid, you can also download the exported file for the export operation by clicking the Download file option from the Actions (…) button on the corresponding row. You can also download the log file for the failed import/export operations by clicking the Download log file link on the corresponding row

For the cancelable task to cancel the ongoing async task, click on the Actions (…) button on the corresponding row and choose Cancel Task.

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