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Stopping, starting, and restarting the continuous compliance engine


This article describes how to stop, start, and restart the Virtual Machine-based Delphix Continuous Compliance engine. Use cases, troubleshooting tips before a restart, and steps in the CLI are outlined in the following sections. For instructions on stopping and starting the Containerized Masking Engine, please see the document Stopping and Starting the Containerized Masking Engine.

Use cases examples

Stopping and starting the Masking Engine may be required when performing:

  • Masking Engine maintenance work.

  • Backup and Restore.

Restarting the Masking Engine may be required if:

  • The Masking Engine is unreachable or unresponsive.

  • A Masking Job is in an incorrect state.

Stopping and Starting the Masking Engine will terminate all running jobs; this includes Imports, Inventory Scans, Profiling and Masking Jobs, etc.

Troubleshooting before a restart

If the Masking Engine is unreachable, the following should always be checked before a restart:

  • Verify that the Engine is reachable over the network using ping.

Verify that no jobs are running (unless the job should be terminated). If a root cause investigation is needed, please open a case with Delphix Support and upload a support bundle.

Containerized Masking functions very differently from the Virtual Machine deployment. For information on performing these same functions for Containerized Masking, please see the documentation page for Stoping and Starting the Containerized Masking Engine.

Using the shell or putty, access the Masking Engine and login using the sysadmin user.

The sysadmin password is the password set when the Masking Engine was configured.

# Access CLI using SSH.
ssh sysadmin@<yourEngine>

Using the Command-Line Interface (CLI)

The CLI provides means to access information and execute commands on the Engine without a GUI; one of which is to stop and start the Continuous Compliance Engine. This is done using the system menu.

  1. At the CLI prompt, type system.

  2. At the system prompt, do one of the following, depending on the desired action:

    1. To enable the engine: type startMasking and then commit.

    2. To disable the engine: type stopMasking and then commit.

    3. To restart the engine: type stopMasking and commit, then startMasking and commit.

  3. To exit the CLI, type exit.

If the Masking Engine fails to start, it could be worth waiting a few minutes (2 minutes or so) and then try stopMasking, followed by startMasking again. Startup failure could be the masking service entering Maintenance Mode. You cannot clear Maintenance Mode by entering startMasking; you must use stopMasking, followed by startMasking. If this fails, Delphix Support needs to investigate why the service failed.

Restarting the Masking Engine example

Below is an example of how to restart the Continuous Compliance Engine using the CLI.

$ ssh sysadmin@yourEngine
yourEngine> system
yourEngine system> ls
startMasking  stopMasking
yourEngine system> stopMasking
yourEngine system stopMasking *> commit
yourEngine system> startMasking
yourEngine system startMasking *> commit
yourEngine system> exit
Connection to yourEngine closed

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