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API calls for managing profile set usage


The Masking Engine provides an API endpoint to view the usage of profile sets globally.

Viewing profile set usage

The following API endpoint retrieves all usages of profile sets:

profileSet  GET profile-sets/usage

This endpoint supports the following options in the query parameters:

  • includeAssignmentDetail (required, default=false)

boolean Enabling this option causes the API response to include a list of human-readable assignment detail objects, one for each individual usage of the profile set on the engine. This can result in a very large response if there are many profile sets and/or there is heavy usage of the profile sets.

  • profileSetType (optional)

String Report only usage of profile sets with type ASDD or LEGACY. ASDD profile sets are comprised of classifiers which are used by the new ASDD profiler. LEGACY profile sets are comprised of profile expressions and profile type expressions used by the old profile.

  • connectorType (optional)

String Report only usage of profile sets used by jobs of the specific connector types: DATABASE, FILE, or MAINFRAME. Note that Mainframe DB2 is categorized under the DATABASE option.

  • environmentFilter (optional)

String Report only usage occurring within the specified environment(s). This query option may be included multiple times, in which case usage for all matching environments will be reported.

  • profileSetFilter (optional)

String Report only usage occurring of the specified profile set(s). This query option may be included multiple times, in which case usage for all matching profile sets will be reported.


Getting usage for all profile sets:


curl -X 'GET' \
  '' \
  -H 'accept: application/json' \
  -H 'Authorization: aa20e962-0bcf-4e65-bb44-8028dd3544ce'


  "responseList": [
      "profileSetName": "ASDD Standard",
      "profileSetId": 4,
      "jobIds": [
      "profileSetName": "Financial - Legacy",
      "profileSetId": 1,
      "jobIds": []
      "profileSetName": "HIPAA - Legacy",
      "profileSetId": 2,
      "jobIds": []
      "profileSetName": "Standard",
      "profileSetId": 3,
      "jobIds": [

The same request with additional details:


curl -X 'GET' \
  '' \
  -H 'accept: application/json' \
  -H 'Authorization: aa20e962-0bcf-4e65-bb44-8028dd3544ce'


  "responseList": [
      "profileSetName": "ASDD Standard",
      "profileSetId": 4,
      "jobIds": [
      "assignmentDetails": [
          "assignmentType": "DATABASE",
          "asddProfileSet": true,
          "environmentName": "TestEnvironment",
          "environmentId": 1,
          "jobName": "TestDatabaseJob",
          "jobId": 1,
          "rulesetName": "DatabaseRuleset",
          "rulesetId": 5
      "profileSetName": "Financial - Legacy",
      "profileSetId": 1,
      "jobIds": [],
      "assignmentDetails": []
      "profileSetName": "HIPAA - Legacy",
      "profileSetId": 2,
      "jobIds": [],
      "assignmentDetails": []
      "profileSetName": "Standard",
      "profileSetId": 3,
      "jobIds": [
      "assignmentDetails": [
          "assignmentType": "FILE",
          "asddProfileSet": false,
          "environmentName": "TestEnvironment",
          "environmentId": 1,
          "jobName": "TestFileJob",
          "jobId": 2,
          "rulesetName": "FileRuleset",
          "rulesetId": 2
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