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The DriverSupport Java interface

Any Java class that should be recognized as a driver support plugin must implement the DriverSupport interface. The full details of this interface are described in the Masking Plugin API Javadoc.

Method overview

This section provides a high-level overview of the methods in the DriverSupport interface. For complete details, consult the Masking Plugin API Javadoc included in the Algorithm SDK archive.

  • getTasks - This method is used to determine the list of available tasks to execute on a corresponding data source. The order in which the tasks are added to the list of tasks indicates the order in which the tasks will be executed on the target data source.

The life cycles of driver support objects

The Extensibility framework uses objects classes implementing DriverSupport interface for several distinct purposes. These object life cycles are as follows:

Plugin discovery

This occurs when the extensibility framework evaluates the capabilities present in a DriverSupport class.

  1. Java object creation - an object of the driver support class is created

  2. getTasks- determines all available tasks

    • getTaskName - get the name of each task

  3. Disposal - the Java object is discarded

Driver support use

This is the life cycle of a driver object when executing a masking job.

  1. Java object creation - an object of the driver support class is created

  2. Configuration injection - the masking inventory is used to instantiate a JobInfo object and the database connection is used to instantiate the Connection object (the target SQL connection)

  3. setup - the setup method is called once

  4. preJobExecute - the preJobExecute method is called once before executing the transformation

  5. postJobExecute - the postJobExecute method is called once after executing the transformation

  6. Disposal - the Java object is discarded

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