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Authentication types

Authentication type dropdown allows you to select the type of authentication you want to provide for the source type selected, the options available here is also determined by the source type selected.


Authentication Type Dropdown


  • Username: The user login this connector will use to connect to the database (not applicable for Kerberos Authentication).

  • Password: The password associated with the Login ID or Username (this password is stored encrypted).

Kerberos authentication (Oracle only)

Before Kerberos may be used to authenticate the database, the appliance must be properly configured (refer to the Kerberos configuration instructions). If this authentication is selected, the application authenticates with the Kerberos KDC before connecting to the database, then uses its Kerberos credentials to authenticate to the database instead of a login/password. When Kerberos is enabled, the Login ID field is treated as the Kerberos user principal name.

  • Password: If supplied, is used to authenticate the user principal with the KDC. The password field may be left blank if the keytab set during appliance configuration contains keys for the user principal.

  • Principal Name: (Kerberos Authentication only) The name of the Kerberos user principal to use when authenticating with the KDC. The realm portion of the principal may be omitted if it matches the configured default realm.

  • Service Principal: (Sybase with Use Kerberos Authentication only) The name of the Sybase service instance.

    • Kerberos functionality has been disabled in containerized masking.

Password Vault

  • Password Vault: (DB2, MariaDB, MS SQL Server, MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, and Sybase only) Whether to use a password vault to authenticate to the database instead of a login ID and password. Before a password vault may be used, it must be properly configured. If this authentication type is selected, the selected Credential Path is used to obtain database credentials from the password vault it references.

  • Credential Path: (DB2, MariaDB, MS SQL Server, MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, and Sybase only) The path to credentials in a password vault to use for database authentication in lieu of a login ID and password.

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