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Managing jobs

This section describes how users can manage jobs, including profiling, tokenization, and re-identification jobs, and how to create, view, edit, or delete them if needed.

Job list

Masking Jobs are grouped within environments on the Environment > Jobs page along with all Profiling jobs. To navigate to the Jobs screen, click on an environment. It will land on the Jobs page.

Managing jobs

Profiling, tokenization, and re-identification jobs are grouped within environments on the Environment Jobs page, along with profiling jobs. Click on an environment, which will redirect to the Jobs page for that environment. More information on profiling jobs can be found in the Managing profiling jobs page.

To edit, view, or delete any of the jobs, click the () button to the right of the corresponding row under the Actions column and then click the corresponding Edit, View, or Delete action. If the user does not have permission to perform the selected action on the job, the action request will be disabled.

Tokenization job

To Create Tokenization Jobs, click on the Add Tokenization Job button on the upper side of the page. The flow and fields will be the same as the Masking job.

Re-Identification Job

To create a re-identification job, click on the Add Re-Identification Job button on the upper side of the page. The flow and fields will be the same as the Masking job.

Enabling and disabling database constraints

Depending on the type of target database you are using, the Delphix Engine can automatically enable and disable database constraints.

The ability to enable and disable constraints ensures that the Delphix Engine can update columns that have primary key or foreign key relationships. You can set Delphix to handle constraints automatically by enabling the Disable Constraints checkbox on a Masking job. If the built-in or extended connector is using a driver support plugin, Disable Constraints can be enabled via Enable Tasks. For a full list of supported built-in connectors and information on specific built-in driver support plugins, see Built-in Driver Supports.

Delphix does not support the enable/disable constraints feature for all databases. To see which databases are supported, see the Data Source Support page.

Creating SQL statements to run before and after jobs

When you create a masking job or a certification job, you can specify standard, static SQL statements to run before (prescript) you run a job and/or after (postscript) the job has been completed. For example, if you want to mask a column that has a foreign key constraint to another table, you could use a prescript to disable the constraint and a postscript to re-enable the constraint.

You create prescripts and postscripts by creating a text document with the SQL statement(s) to execute. If the text file contains more than one SQL statement, each statement must be separated by a semicolon [;]. For example, to remove records with date_column before December 12th, 2017 before masking a table (owner.table), one would create a prescript file containing the following and associate the prescript file to the masking job that includes the table in its ruleset:

DELETE FROM owner.table WHERE date_column < ‘20171207’;

Database-specific, SQL programming extensions (such as PL/SQL and Transact-SQL) and dynamic SQL statements are not supported in prescripts and postscripts. However, you can create procedures and functions using your database tooling of choice and call them using standard SQL statements from a prescript or postscript.

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