Full Name (Algorithm frameworks)
The Full Name algorithm (introduced in Masking Engine version has logic to separate the input into two parts: First and Last names. It can also limit the number of masked names (removing the rest) and “smart trim” the result (masked) output to the required length.
If Name framework algorithm instances are used, the Full Name algorithm can consider particles. The Full Name algorithm uses the Last Name algorithm’s particles when determining which part of the input is the last name. The remainder of the input is considered the first name and the First Name algorithm’s particles apply to that.
After distinguishing the parts of the input string, the Full Name algorithm feeds each word from the first name part (which also includes middle names, treated the same as first names) individually to the First Name algorithm instance, and the whole last name part to the Last Name algorithm instance. Then it combines the masking results, according the embedded logic and the configuration.

If the input string contains only a single word - this word is considered as a first name or last name (depending on the Consider Single Word Input as Last Name flag) and forwarded for masking to the corresponding chained algorithm instance. A single word input is always masked, even if it is a configured particle.
Main features of the Full Name Framework:
Deterministic output: The masked result for each input is consistent when using the same algorithm key, same configuration and same chained algorithm instances.
Not unique: The masked result might be the same for different inputs.
Garbage in garbage out: the algorithm returns the unmasked input / null / empty string if input is one of the following: null, empty string “”, white spaces only “ ”.
Single word input: considered either as a Last Name (default) or as a First Name, even if configured in one of the particles files.
When particle is configured in both particles files: the remove action takes precedence.
Multiple first names: masks only first N names (1-4, as configured, default = 2), the rest are removed. (Note: only one name can be considered the last name; the rest are masked as first names.)
Full Name Convention: if a configured last name separator is detected, or the configured convention is “last-first-middle”, then the input is interpreted as last-first-middle. Otherwise, it is first-middle-last (default). Leading/trailing and duplicate white spaces are not preserved.
Smart trim: if trimming of the masked value is required, it's done in a way to keep the full name as long and realistic looking as possible. For instance, first we trim the leading/trailing preserved particles. If that’s not enough, we abbreviate the masked first/middle names (one by one, starting with the last one). If that’s still no enough, we remove the particles prior to the last name, etc.
Below is an example of smart trim. Let's suppose our masked result (prior to checking of the maxLength) is:
“President George Herbert Walker Van Bush Jr.”

The chained instances for First Name and Last name masking can be any existing extensible algorithm instance that masks the String type. However, it is recommended to use the instances based on the Name framework. Particles can only be considered for Name framework algorithms, and it’s recommended that the First Name and Last Name algorithm instances have the same particle files.
Creating a Full Name algorithm via UI

In the upper right-hand corner of the Algorithm tab, click Add Algorithm.
Select the Full Name Framework. The Create Full Name Algorithm pane appears.
Enter an Algorithm Name. (Required)
This MUST be unique on the Masking Engine.
Enter a Description. (Optional)
Choose the First Name Algorithm. (Required) In the dropdown menu you will be suggested to choose from the existing extensible algorithms of String type.
Choose the Last Name Algorithm. (Required) In the dropdown menu you will be suggested to choose from the existing extensible algorithms of String type.
Choose the Maximum First Names configuration. (Optional. Integer. min value = 1, max value = 4, default = 2) Total number of first/middle names to be masked. The rest would be ignored.
Choose the Maximum Masked Full Name Length. (Optional. Integer. Default is 0) This number should be >= 0 (i.e. not negative). This is the maximum number of characters for the masked output string. The masked result is “smart trimmed” to fit that length (see explanation and example table above for details on smart trimming). Value 0 means length is unlimited.
We also try to detect the length of the destination field. Some Data Sources provide that value, while others don't. For example: if Data Source provides value 10 for the destination column length and current configuration field is set to 0 or any value longer than 10 - the shortest value wins, i.e. in this example masked result would be trimmed to 10 characters.
Specify a Full Name Convention. (Optional. Enum. Default: "First-Middle-Last") Dropdown menu provides choice of 2 values:
CODEFirst-Middle-Last Last-First-Middle
This configurations helps the Full Name algorithm distinguish between first name(s) and last name, if Last Name Separator(s) are not configured or not detected in the input string.
Choose the Consider Single Word Input as Last Name. (Optional. Boolean. Default is true) If chosen (default case) - consider the single word input as a last name. Otherwise as a first name.
Configure Last Name Separators (Optional. List. Default: contains comma ',') Here you can specify comma separated single punctuation marks (but hyphen '-' and dot '.', which are reserved for another logic) which will serve for identifying the last name in the input. First identified separator makes that distinguishing, rest are ignored. To choose comma ',' there is a separate field aside Include comma. By default comma is included as a separator.
Here is an example of how last name separator works:
Let's suppose our configured separators are comma ',' and colon ':'.
Input: "dela Cruz, Maria Cristina: Manansala"
The first detected separator (framework reads the input left to right) is after word "Cruz".
So "dela Cruz" will be detected as a last name part, and "Maria Cristina: Manansala" as a first names.
Masking result would be in the same order with the same separator, for example: "Maritnas, Antonio Stephan".When you are finished, click Save.
For the description of any configurable field you can open a popup window by pressing on the blue "? Learn More" link in the upper right corner:

For information on creating Full Name algorithms through the API, see API Calls for Creating Algorithms - Full Name.