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Date Shift Discrete

The Date Shift Discrete algorithm masks all dates with the same year-month combination to the same day. A different day is returned for each year-month combination. As an example, any inputs with a year-month combination of February 2020 may return a day value of 23 while any inputs with a year-month combination of January 2020 may return a day value of 5. All values of the input other than the day value are preserved. This algorithm is deterministic based on an algorithm key. The out-of-the-box instance of this algorithm is called DateShiftDiscrete.

For example:

  • "1989-11-19 00:00:00" → "1989-11-30 00:00:00"

  • "1989-12-19 04:15:00" → "1989-12-24 04:15:00"

  • "2012-11-19 17:00:55" → "2012-11-08 17:00:55"

  • "2012-11-09 00:23:59" → "2012-11-08 00:23:59"

This algorithm may generate non-conformant data events.

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