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Graphical user interface


This section gives detailed information about how to use the Grid displayed on the Engine UI. UI for Domains, Classifiers, Profiler Sets, Roles, Inventory, Rule Sets, etc displays information using a Grid structure. Each implemented Grid supports functionality like sorting, filtering, pinning, etc. Each subsection gives information about how to use Grid functionalities.


To identify if the column supports sorting or not

  • Hover on the column name. If the :handpointer: icon appears i.e. column header is clickable then the column is sortable.

Follow these steps to sort the grid based on any one of the grid column data.

  • Click on the column header on the grid. The records in the grid will be sorted based on the data in that column.

  • Click on the column again to change the sorting order. A vertical directional arrow symbol indicates the sorting order applied (↑ Ascended, ↓ Descending, and blank default sorting order).

Screenshot 2024-01-11 at 10.59.08 AM.png

In the case of grouping, sorting is applied within each group.

  • Children of groups can be collapsed and expanded by clicking on the down arrow icon beside each group name.

  • The count next to the group name in parentheses shows the total number of children under that group.

Screenshot 2024-01-11 at 11.39.34 AM.png


To identify if the column supports filtering or not,

  • Hover on the column header of the grid and click the ꠵ icon that appears in the right corner.

  • If there is a tab with the :filter: icon then filtering is supported for that column.

Follow these steps to add a Filter on the grid to show columns or fields only matching certain criteria.

  • Hover on any column header of the grid and click the ꠵ icon that appears in the right corner.

  • When the dialogue appears, choose the the tab with filter icon, then select a required filter criteria and provide the required inputs to filter the grid.

    Screenshot 2024-01-11 at 11.45.58 AM.png
  • The applied filter criteria are displayed in the chips on the top of the grid.

    Screenshot 2024-01-19 at 5.31.56 PM.png
  • To remove a filter criteria, click on the cross mark on the applied filter criteria value listed.

  • To remove all filter criteria click on the Reset button.

  • These filters will be persisted in the browser cache until the user resets it or clears the browser cache.

  • On some screens, Grid doesn’t display filter in chips, and filters are not persisted i.e. Monitoring Single Job.

In the case of grouping, filtering is applied within each group.

Screenshot 2024-01-11 at 11.36.39 AM.png

If the applied filters produce no result, an option is presented to reset the filters. If only one filter needs to be removed then cancel the bottom sheet and remove the specific filter.

Screenshot 2024-01-11 at 11.47.28 AM.png

There are 4 types of filters which are displayed according to the data of the column.

  1. Text Filter with option [ “contains“ ]

    Screenshot 2024-01-12 at 11.15.53 AM.png

  2. Number filter with options [ “Equals”, “Greater than”, “Greater than or equals”, “Less than”, “Less than or equals”, “Not Equals” ]

    Screenshot 2024-01-12 at 11.16.07 AM.png

  3. List filter - Select one from the available list of options

    Screenshot 2024-01-12 at 11.16.25 AM.png

  4. Date filter - Picks range between two dates

    Screenshot 2024-01-12 at 11.16.38 AM.png

Pinning columns

Follow these steps to pin a column on the grid.

  • Hover on any column header of the grid and click the ꠵ icon that appears in the right corner.

  • When the dialogue appears, choose the tab with ꠵ icon, then choose the Pin Column and choose the desired option.

Screenshot 2024-01-11 at 11.52.29 AM.png

Auto-sizing columns

Follow these steps to adjust the column size.

  • Hover on any column header of the grid and click the ꠵ icon that appears in the right corner.

  • When the dialogue appears, choose the tab with ꠵ icon, then choose the desired option from the list.

Screenshot 2024-01-11 at 12.09.14 PM.png

View more columns

To see the other grid columns which are not displayed by default on the grid.

  • Hover on any column header of the grid and click on the ꠵ icon that appears in the right corner.

  • When the dialogue appears, choose the last tab, then choose any desired columns from the list below to view it on the grid.

Screenshot 2024-01-11 at 12.05.33 PM.png


To perform an action on any of the rows, Click the () button to the right of the corresponding row under the Actions column, list of actions will be visible. If any action is not supported for that row then it will be disabled.

Screenshot 2024-01-11 at 12.16.10 PM.png

Select/Deselect all the records

To select all the records while doing any selection, use the checkbox given in the header to select all the records. The same checkbox can be also used for deselecting all the records.

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