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dlpx-core: CM Digits

Based >Extensible Algorithm Framework

The CM Digits algorithm is an instance of the Character Mapping Algorithm Framework.

This algorithm masks all ASCII digits. Refer to the framework description for details of how masking is performed. Be aware that this algorithm can produce value collisions when applied to Numeric data types. This is because leading zeros are not significant in numeric types, so while "7" → "8" and "304" → "008" may be different string results, when inserted into a numeric field, they represent the same value. If this behavior is undesirable, consider using the CM Numeric algorithm.

At least one character in the input must be masked, or Non-Conformant data handling will be triggered.

For example:

  • "6379315274824970" → "8345698341375224"

  • "99" → "05"

  • "ABCxyz123" → "ABCxyz391"

  • "0" → "6"

This algorithm may generate non-conformant data events.

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