Configuring profile sets
A profile set defines the set of classifiers or expressions that will be used to identify sensitive information in the rule set when a profiling job is run. Refer to Discovering Your Sensitive Data for an overview of profile sets and related concepts.
To display, view, and manage the profile sets, click on the Settings tab and select Profiler Sets on the left-hand side of the page.

The Profiler Sets screen displays each available profile set, along with an action button containing view, edit, duplicate, and delete options (assuming the user role allows those operations).
The Profile sets on the screen can be filtered or sorted by the various informational fields by clicking on the respective field. More information on grid filtering and sorting can be found here.
Creating and modifying profile sets
Creating or modifying profile sets can also be done via the API and requires only two API calls. See ASDD Profile Set Import and Export for usage instructions.
The content of a profiler set depends on the profiler implementation with which it is intended to be used. Profile sets for the legacy profile contain search expressions and type expressions, while profile sets for the ASDD profiler contain classifiers.
To add a Profiler set, click Add Profiler Set at the top of the Settings > Profile Sets screen. The Add Profiler Set dialog appears:

To add a profiler set for the legacy profiler
Click Add Profile Set at the top of the dialog window.
Enter a profiler Set Name. This name must be unique among all profile set names.
Optionally, enter a Description for this Profiler Set.
Leave the ASDD Support box unchecked.
Select the Search Expressions tab (it is selected by default).
Click the down arrow to the right of Select Search Expression to expand the tree. Click the box to the left of each search expression you wish to add to the profile set. It is not recommended that All Search Expressions be selected, as there is significant duplication among built-in search expressions.
Select the Type Expressions tab.
Click the down arrow to the right of Select Type Expression to expand the tree. Click the box to the left of each type expression you wish to add to the profile set.
When you are finished adding expressions, click Submit to save the new profile set.

To add a profile set for the ASDD Profiler
Click Add Profile Set at the top of the dialog window.
Enter a profiler Set Name. This name must be unique among all profile set names.
Optionally, enter a Description for this Profiler Set.
Check the ASDD Support box.
Select the Classifiers tab (it is selected by default).
Click the down arrow to the right of Select Classifiers to expand the tree. Click the box to the left of each classifier you wish to add to the profile set.
When finished with adding classifiers, click Submit to save the new profile set.
To edit an existing profile set
Select the Edit option from the ellipsis actions menu to the right of the profile set name. Expand the tab corresponding to the type object you'd like to add or remove from the profile set, and check or uncheck the box to the left of each object to add/remove them from the profile set as desired. Click submit to save your change.
ASDD Support
It is not possible to change the value of the ASDD Support setting for an existing profile set. A new profile set must be created.
To delete an existing profile set
Select the Delete option from the ellipsis actions menu to the right of the profile set name. You will be blocked from deleting a profile set if it is currently assigned to any jobs.