User workflow examples
This page provides some examples of some typical user workflows. More information on exactly how each endpoint works is available on the Sync endpoints section.
Syncing all global objects
The following steps can be used to sync all global objects from Masking Engine A to Masking Engine B. This will sync all algorithms and domains and should be done prior to syncing jobs or rulesets which might depend on them. For more information on the global object, see the Sync concepts section.
Source masking engine steps
1. Login
Login on the source Masking Engine to obtain an Authorization token value.
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
"username": "user123",
"password": "pw123"
CURL example:
curl -X POST --cacert /path/to/cert --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --header 'Accept: application/json' -d '{ "username": "user123", "password": "pw123" }' ''
Expected Result:
"Authorization": "dc2cff8b-e20d-4e28-8b7e-5d7c4aad0e2a"
2. Get the identifier
Call GET /syncable-objects
to obtain the GLOBAL_OBJECT's information.
Authorization: dc2cff8b-e20d-4e28-8b7e-5d7c4aad0e2a (value from the /login response)
Accept: application/json
CURL example:
curl -X GET --cacert /path/to/cert --header 'Accept: application/json' --header 'Authorization: dc2cff8b-e20d-4e28-8b7e-5d7c4aad0e2a' ''
Expected Result:
"_pageInfo": {
"numberOnPage": 1,
"total": 1
"responseList": [
"objectIdentifier": {
"id": "global"
"objectType": "GLOBAL_OBJECT",
"revisionHash": "8d5236bb029c2176aa568b930786b63253e4f9e4"
3. Export the object
Call POST /export-async
to asynchronously export the GLOBAL_OBJECT and use the passphrase header to encrypt the export.
The optional passphrase header cannot be specified using the interactive API Client tool. An example of how to specify this header using a cURL command is shown below.
Authorization: dc2cff8b-e20d-4e28-8b7e-5d7c4aad0e2a
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
passphrase: my example passphrase
"objectIdentifier": {
"id": "global"
"objectType": "GLOBAL_OBJECT"
curl -X POST --cacert /path/to/cert --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --header 'Accept: application/json' --header 'Authorization: dc2cff8b-e20d-4e28-8b7e-5d7c4aad0e2a' --header 'passphrase: my example passphrase' -d '[{"objectIdentifier":{"id":"global"},"objectType":"GLOBAL_OBJECT"}]' ''
Expected Result:
"asyncTaskId": 2,
"operation": "EXPORT",
"reference": "EXPORT-ZXhwb3J0X2RvY3VtZW50Xzk0Wjlva3JDLmpzb24=",
"status": "RUNNING",
"startTime": "2018-06-15T20:36:35.483+0000",
"cancellable": false
4. Download the export document
Use the reference above to download the export document via the /file-download endpoint.
Authorization: dc2cff8b-e20d-4e28-8b7e-5d7c4aad0e2a
Accept: application/octet-stream
CURL example:
curl -X GET --cacert /path/to/cert --header 'Accept: application/json' --header 'Authorization: dc2cff8b-e20d-4e28-8b7e-5d7c4aad0e2a' ''
Expected Result: An export document that will look like this.
"exportResponseMetadata": {
"exportHost": "",
"exportDate": "Fri Jun 15 20:16:20 UTC 2018",
"requestedObjectList": [
"objectIdentifier": {
"id": "global"
"objectType": "GLOBAL_OBJECT",
"revisionHash": "579850b1c88baf74cee6bad61d81e2aa3dcc206c"
"exportedObjectList": [
"objectIdentifier": {
"id": "DRIVING_LC"
"objectType": "DOMAIN",
"revisionHash": "9ee90782488d14d369f9595dad7f593c961e785f"
"objectIdentifier": {
"algorithmName": "DrivingLicenseNoLookup"
"objectType": "LOOKUP",
"revisionHash": "e08ac9bfd4ed9f64d486cb47cdc07deb30ccc20f"
"signature": "MCwCFAWGf/97wb+oYuSQizj8U12n7jpQAhQKGCaOJ4U8XyDAOEhMUWkzZXHrpw==",
"publicKey": "MIHxMIGoBgcqhkjOOAQBMIGcAkEA/KaCzo4Syrom78z3EQ5SbbB4sF7ey80etKII864WF64B81uRpH5t9jQTxeEu0ImbzRMqzVDZkVG9xD7nN1kuFwIVAJYu3cw2nLqOuyYO5rahJtk0bjjFAkBnhHGyepz0TukaScUUfbGpq.."
5. Cleanup
When the export document is no longer needed, use the /export-async endpoint to cleanup the exported documents.
Authorization: dc2cff8b-e20d-4e28-8b7e-5d7c4aad0e2a
Accept: application/json
CURL example:
curl -X DELETE --header 'Accept: application/json' --header 'Authorization: dc2cff8b-e20d-4e28-8b7e-5d7c4aad0e2a' ''
Expected Result: no content
Destination Masking Engine steps
1. Login
Login on the destination Masking Engine to obtain an Authorization token value (see example above).
2. Import the object
On Masking Engine B, use the import-async endpoint to import the document downloaded from engine A.
Authorization: dc2cff8b-e20d-4e28-8b7e-5d7c4aad0e2a
Content-Type: multipart/form-data
Accept: application/json
passphrase: my example passphrase
CURL example:
curl -X POST --cacert /path/to/cert --header 'Content-Type: multipart/form-data' --header 'Accept: application/json' --header 'Authorization: dc2cff8b-e20d-4e28-8b7e-5d7c4aad0e2a' --header 'passphrase: my example passphrase' -F file=@export.json ''
Expected Result:
"asyncTaskId": 1,
"operation": "IMPORT",
"reference": "IMPORT-aW1wb3J0X2RvY3VtZW50X2lZQVFKWEFsLmpzb24=",
"status": "WAITING",
"cancellable": false
3. Verify status
On Masking Engine B, call the /file-downloads endpoint using the reference from the returned Async Task response to retrieve the completed import status.
Authorization: dc2cff8b-e20d-4e28-8b7e-5d7c4aad0e2a
Accept: application/octet-stream
CURL example:
curl -X GET --cacert /path/to/cert --header 'Accept: application/octet-stream' --header 'Authorization: dc2cff8b-e20d-4e28-8b7e-5d7c4aad0e2a' ''
Expected Result:
An import status document that reports the success or failure of each object imported.
"objectIdentifier": {
"id": 7
"importedObjectIdentifier": {
"id": 7
"importStatus": "SUCCESS"
"objectIdentifier": {
"importedObjectIdentifier": {
"objectType": "DOMAIN",
"importStatus": "SUCCESS"
4. Cleanup
Once the status is no longer needed, use the /import-async endpoint to cleanup the exported documents.
Authorization: dc2cff8b-e20d-4e28-8b7e-5d7c4aad0e2a
Accept: application/json
CURL example:
curl -X DELETE --cacert /path/to/cert --header 'Accept: application/json' --header 'Authorization: dc2cff8b-e20d-4e28-8b7e-5d7c4aad0e2a' ''
Expected Result: no content
Syncing a masking job
The following steps provide an example of how to export a Masking Job from Masking Engine A to Masking Engine B using the synchronous endpoints of /export and /import. This presumes that all of the global objects such as algorithms and domains that the masking job relies on have already been synced. This can also be done via the asynchronous endpoint with the same workflow as above.
1. Export the job
Before this step, the /login
and /syncable-objects
endpoints should have been called to obtain the authorization token and job identifier respectively. Then use the /export endpoint to obtain an export document with the desired MASKING_JOB. In this example, the optional passphrase is used to encrypt the export document.
To sync a profile job, swap out the objectType for "PROFILE_JOB" and provide the id of the profile job to sync. Profile jobs are syncable starting in version
Authorization: dc2cff8b-e20d-4e28-8b7e-5d7c4aad0e2a
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
passphrase: password to encrypt the export document
"objectIdentifier": {
"id": 4
"objectType": "MASKING_JOB"
CURL example:
curl -X POST --cacert /path/to/cert --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --header 'Accept: application/json' --header 'Authorization: dc2cff8b-e20d-4e28-8b7e-5d7c4aad0e2a' --header 'passphrase: my example passphrase' -d '[ { "objectIdentifier": { "id": 4 }, "objectType": "MASKING_JOB" } ]' ''
Expected Result:
"exportResponseMetadata": {
"exportHost": "",
"exportDate": "Fri Jun 15 20:16:20 UTC 2018",
"requestedObjectList": [
"objectIdentifier": {
"id": 1
"objectType": "MASKING_JOB",
"revisionHash": "579850b1c88baf74cee6bad61d81e2aa3dcc206c"
"exportedObjectList": [
"objectIdentifier": {
"id": 1
"objectType": "DATABASE_RULESET",
"revisionHash": "bf63b401129cbc84f90eeb708281e98121f5a829"
"objectIdentifier": {
"id": "FIRST_NAME"
"objectType": "DOMAIN_REFERENCE",
"revisionHash": "e6a52079843afd2625f20237fd50f56254c7e630"
"objectIdentifier": {
"id": 1
"objectType": "MASKING_JOB",
"revisionHash": "579850b1c88baf74cee6bad61d81e2aa3dcc206c"
"objectIdentifier": {
"id": 1
"revisionHash": "6455f39dfa354a54bdf4ef69d6511a6c2bb19db3"
"objectIdentifier": {
"algorithmName": "FirstNameLookup"
"revisionHash": "13b0a51a7e3904f52526c442419c54b39033dca3"
"signature": "MCwCFAWGf/97wb+oYuSQizj8U12n7jpQAhQKGCaOJ4U8XyDAOEhMUWkzZXHrpw==",
"publicKey": "MIHxMIGoBgcqhkjOOAQBMIGcAkEA/KaCzo4Syrom78z3EQ5SbbB4sF7ey80etKII864WF64B81uRpH5t9jQTxeEu0ImbzRMqzVDZkVG9xD7nN1kuFwIVAJYu3cw2nLqOuyYO5rahJtk0bjjFAkBnhHGyepz0TukaScUUfbGpq.."
The requestedObjectList returns the list of objects you’ve requested in the export, and the exportedObjectList returns a list of all objects that were exported. This will include both the requested ones and their dependencies.
2. Import the job
On Masking Engine B, import the masking job. You will need to provide an environment for it to import into.
Authorization: dc2cff8b-e20d-4e28-8b7e-5d7c4aad0e2a
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
passphrase: password to encrypt the export document
force_overwrite and environment_id. See the details in the Masking API Call Concepts section for more details .
(Whatever gets returned from export)
CURL example:
curl -X POST --cacert /path/to/cert --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --header 'Accept: application/json' --header 'Authorization: dc2cff8b-e20d-4e28-8b7e-5d7c4aad0e2a' --header 'passphrase: my example passphrase' -d @/path/to/export.json ''
Expected Result:
"objectIdentifier": {
"id": 3033
"importedObjectIdentifier": {
"id": 1
"importStatus": "SUCCESS"
"objectIdentifier": {
"id": 5421
"importedObjectIdentifier": {
"id": 1
"objectType": "DATABASE_RULESET",
"importStatus": "SUCCESS"
Syncing an environment
Syncing an environment differs from syncing other objects in that we don't sync any of the environment's metadata, only it's dependencies (jobs, connectors and rulesets). You can think of syncing an environment as an easy way to sync a large group of objects in the environment, without having to sync them one at a time. As such, the environment's revisionHash is not important.
1. Export the environment
Before this step, the /logi
n and /syncable-objects
endpoints should have been called to obtain the authorization token and environment identifier respectively. Then use the /export endpoint to obtain an export document with the desired ENVIRONMENT. In this example, the optional passphrase is used to encrypt the export document.
Authorization: dc2cff8b-e20d-4e28-8b7e-5d7c4aad0e2a
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
passphrase: password to encrypt the export document
"objectIdentifier": {
"id": 3
"objectType": "ENVIRONMENT"
CURL example:
curl -X POST --cacert /path/to/cert --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --header 'Accept: application/json' --header 'Authorization: dc2cff8b-e20d-4e28-8b7e-5d7c4aad0e2a' --header 'passphrase: my example passphrase' -d '[ { "objectIdentifier": { "id": 3 }, "objectType": "ENVIRONMENT" } ]' ''
Expected Result:
"exportResponseMetadata": {
"exportHost": "",
"exportDate": "Tue Apr 21 21:57:32 UTC 2020",
"requestedObjectList": [
"objectIdentifier": {
"id": 3
"objectType": "ENVIRONMENT",
"revisionHash": "c2f2f4bd8a043c32d0977cff8f915d64f1aaf518"
"exportedObjectList": [
"objectIdentifier": {
"id": 4
"objectType": "DATASET_CONNECTOR",
"revisionHash": "db7bc78d098f3df47199fc00c2ba83dee5a52a34"
"objectIdentifier": {
"id": 3
"objectType": "ENVIRONMENT",
"revisionHash": "c2f2f4bd8a043c32d0977cff8f915d64f1aaf518"
"objectIdentifier": {
"id": 4
"objectType": "MASKING_JOB",
"revisionHash": "2497260ee897303fc317b9268486c5e36663dad0"
"objectIdentifier": {
"id": 4
"objectType": "DATASET_RULESET",
"revisionHash": "cb864b0f3f208c4ea5273389055d335d8d57028c"
"objectIdentifier": {
"id": 1
"objectType": "DATASET_FORMAT",
"revisionHash": "0513a494c736d7f8993dee4720f200c0aa3bd749"
"blob": "RAAAAAokZDg5Zjg5NWQtYzJjMi00ZjkyLWIxNjEtMTA0NDRjZDk5YWIxEhgyMDI...",
"signature": "MCwCFF9wqsdqMG/x7q+knwd4LLhwc4h+AhR9YF5rQZyp5YLQf8e7rI39kjkyUQ==",
"publicKey": "MIHwMIGoBgcqhkjOOAQBMIGcAkEA/KaCzo4Syrom78z3EQ5SbbB4sF7ey8..."
The requestedObjectList returns the list of objects you’ve requested in the export, and the exportedObjectList returns a list of all objects that were exported. This will include both the requested ones and their dependencies.
2. Create a new environment on the target engine
Since we do not import the environment metadata (such as name or type) we must first create an environment on the target which we wish to import our data into. At this step we would also need to create a source environment if we are importing any On-The-Fly jobs.
All source connectors will end up being imported into the since source environment that we specify. If you wish for these to be in separate environments, they must then be manually managed after import.
The source engine’s global object must be synced to the target engine before syncing the environment. If the global object is out of sync between the engines, an error will occur. For example, suppose the exported environment contains an inventory that uses a domain that is not in sync with the target engine, an error will be generated.
3. Import the environment into the newly created environment
On Masking Engine B, import the environment. You will need to provide an environment for it to import into.
Authorization: dc2cff8b-e20d-4e28-8b7e-5d7c4aad0e2a
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
passphrase: password to encrypt the export document
force_overwrite and environment_id. See the details in the Masking API Call Concepts section for more details .
(Whatever gets returned from export)
CURL example:
curl -X POST --cacert /path/to/cert --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --header 'Accept: application/json' --header 'Authorization: dc2cff8b-e20d-4e28-8b7e-5d7c4aad0e2a' --header 'passphrase: my example passphrase' -d @/path/to/export.json ''
Expected Result:
"objectIdentifier": {
"id": 4
"importedObjectIdentifier": {
"id": 5
"objectType": "DATASET_CONNECTOR",
"importStatus": "SUCCESS"
"objectIdentifier": {
"id": 3
"importedObjectIdentifier": {
"id": 1
"objectType": "ENVIRONMENT",
"importStatus": "SUCCESS"
"objectIdentifier": {
"id": 1
"importedObjectIdentifier": {
"id": 1
"objectType": "DATASET_FORMAT",
"importStatus": "SUCCESS"
"objectIdentifier": {
"id": 4
"importedObjectIdentifier": {
"id": 5
"objectType": "DATASET_RULESET",
"importStatus": "SUCCESS"
"objectIdentifier": {
"id": 4
"importedObjectIdentifier": {
"id": 5
"objectType": "MASKING_JOB",
"importStatus": "SUCCESS"