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Delphix helps with keeping track of Compliance engine utilization. You can access the utilization reports from the Admin > Utilization page. This article discusses the UI.

Utilization UI page

The Utilization page can be found in the UI under the Admin tab. This page provides the user the capability to generate two types of utilization reports in PDF format:

  • Jobs: The report lists the number of job executions for a specified environment and date range. 

  • Database Size: This report is designed to assist customers on usage based pricing contracts. The report contains the databases masked and their respective size.

    • Currently, this information is only gathered for Oracle databases (Oracle 12c or greater). Support for Oracle 11g and other database platforms will be added in future releases. 

    • There is also an API endpoint to get database usage information. For more information, please refer to API documentation.

The jobs utilization report

To generate the jobs utilization report:

  1. Select the Utilization Type as Jobs.

  2. Select the Job Environment from the list.

  3. Provide Start Date and End Date.

  4. Click Generate PDF.

The database size report

To generate the database size report:

  1. Select the Utilization Type as Database Size.

  2. Select a Date Range from the predefined list of date ranges. Select Custom to supply a custom Start Date and End Date.

  3. Click Generate PDF.

Support matrix

The Delphix engine supports database size calculation for the following databases:


Data Source



Setup Instructions


Oracle 11g



Oracle 12c and later


Preparing Oracle Database for Profiling/Masking

All other data sources




Multiple options can be selected.

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