ASDD standard profile set
As of the release, administrators control when upgrades of the ASDD Standard Profile Set occur. For every Delphix Engine release, the ASDD Standard Profile Set will be made available to users in the Automated Sensitive Data Discovery directory folder on the Delphix Download site.
A README is also present, which includes a change.log and usage instructions. Additionally, as of, the contents of the ASDD Standard Profile Set may be customized. To recover or upgrade the ASDD Standard profile set, see the ASDD Profile Set Import and Export article for more information on the import API endpoint.
For reference, you can download or expand the JSON listing below, which contains the full configuration for all classifiers present in the ASDD Standard Profile Set as of the release.
ASDD standard profile set JSON classifiers list
ASDD Standard Profile Set JSON classifiers listing
"domain": "ACCOUNT_NO",
"name": "Account Number - Path",
"type": "PATH",
"properties": {
"paths": [
"matchType": "REGEX",
"matchStrength": 0.67,
"fieldValue": "(?i)(?>(account|accnt|acct)_?-? ?(number|num|nbr|no|user))($|[ _-])"
"rejectStrength": 0.0
"domain": "ACCOUNT_NO",
"name": "Account Number - Type",
"type": "TYPE",
"properties": {
"allowedTypes": [
"minimumLength": "5",
"typeName": "String"
"minimumLength": "5",
"typeName": "Number"
"matchAutoIncrementingColumn": true
"domain": "ADDRESS",
"name": "Address Line 1 - Path",
"type": "PATH",
"properties": {
"paths": [
"matchType": "REGEX",
"matchStrength": 0.67,
"fieldValue": "(?i)(?>((st(reet)?_?-? ?addr(ess)?)|street?|(?<!email[-_ ]?|ip[-_ ]?|web[-_ ]?|url[-_ ]?)addr(ess)?)_?-? ?((l(i)?n(e)?)? ?_?(1|))?)"
"rejectStrength": 0.0
"domain": "ADDRESS",
"name": "Address Line 1 - Type",
"type": "TYPE",
"properties": {
"allowedTypes": [
"minimumLength": "20",
"typeName": "String"
"domain": "ADDRESS",
"name": "Address Line 1 - Regex",
"type": "REGEX",
"properties": {
"dataPatterns": [
"regex": "(?i)(.*[\\s]+b(ou)?l(e)?v(ar)?d[\\s]*.*)|(.*[\\s]+st(reet)?[\\s]*.*)|(.*[\\s]+ave[.]?(nue)?[\\s]*.*)|(.*[\\s]+r(oa)?d[\\s]*.*)|(.*[\\s]+l(a)?n(e)?[\\s]*.*)|(.*[\\s]+cir(cle)?[\\s]*.*)|(.*[\\s]+dr[.]?(ive)?[\\s]*.*)|(.*[\\s]+h(igh)?w(a)?y[\\s]*.*)|(.*[\\s]+r(ou)?t(e)?[\\s]*.*)|(.*[\\s]+c(our)?t[\\s]*.*)|(.*[\\s]+way[\\s]*.*)",
"matchStrength": 0.7,
"allowPartialMatch": false
"rejectStrength": 0.1
"domain": "ADDRESS_LINE2",
"name": "Address Line 2 - Path",
"type": "PATH",
"properties": {
"paths": [
"matchType": "REGEX",
"matchStrength": 0.67,
"fieldValue": "(?i)(?>((st(reet)?_?-? ?addr(ess)?)|street?|(?<!email[-_ ]?|ip[-_ ]?|web[-_ ]?|url[-_ ]?)addr(ess)?)_?-? ?((l(i)?n(e)?)? ?_?([2-9]))?)"
"rejectStrength": 0.0
"domain": "ADDRESS_LINE2",
"name": "Address Line 2 - Type",
"type": "TYPE",
"properties": {
"allowedTypes": [
"minimumLength": "20",
"typeName": "String"
"domain": "ADDRESS_LINE2",
"name": "Address Line 2 - Regex",
"type": "REGEX",
"properties": {
"dataPatterns": [
"regex": "(?i)(.*[\\s]*ap(ar)?t(ment)?[.\\s]+.*)|(.*[\\s]*s(ui)?te[.\\s]+.*)|(c(are)?[\\s]*[\\\\]?[/]?o(f)?[.\\s]+.*)|(.*[\\s]*b(ui)?ld(in)?g[.\\s]+.*)|(.*[\\s]*fl(oor)?[.\\s]+.*)|(.*[\\s]*r(oo)?m[.\\s]+.*)|(.*[\\s]*unit[.\\s]+.*)",
"matchStrength": 0.7,
"allowPartialMatch": false
"rejectStrength": 0.1
"domain": "AGE",
"name": "Age - Path",
"type": "PATH",
"properties": {
"paths": [
"matchType": "REGEX",
"matchStrength": 0.67,
"fieldValue": "(?i)(?>(^|[ _-])(age)[ _-]?(group|grp|number|num|nbr|no)?)($|[ _-])"
"rejectStrength": 0.0
"domain": "AGE",
"name": "Age - Regex",
"type": "REGEX",
"properties": {
"dataPatterns": [
"note": "Number range between 01 --> 99",
"regex": "\\d{1,2}",
"matchStrength": 0.3,
"allowPartialMatch": false
"rejectStrength": 0.1
"domain": "AGE",
"name": "Age - Type",
"type": "TYPE",
"properties": {
"allowedTypes": [
"minimumLength": "2",
"typeName": "Number"
"minimumLength": "2",
"typeName": "String"
"domain": "BANK_ACCOUNT_NO",
"name": "Bank Account Number - Path",
"type": "PATH",
"properties": {
"paths": [
"matchType": "REGEX",
"matchStrength": 0.67,
"fieldValue": "(?i)(?>(bank_?-? ?)?(account|accnt|acct)_?-? ?(number|num|nbr|no))($|[ _-])"
"rejectStrength": 0.0
"domain": "BANK_ACCOUNT_NO",
"name": "Bank Account Number - Regex",
"type": "REGEX",
"properties": {
"dataPatterns": [
"regex": "\\d{5,17}",
"matchStrength": 0.05,
"allowPartialMatch": false
"rejectStrength": 0.1
"domain": "BANK_ACCOUNT_NO",
"name": "Bank Account Number - Type",
"type": "TYPE",
"properties": {
"allowedTypes": [
"minimumLength": "5",
"typeName": "Number"
"matchAutoIncrementingColumn": true
"domain": "BENEFICIARY_NO",
"name": "Beneficiary Number - Path",
"type": "PATH",
"properties": {
"paths": [
"matchType": "REGEX",
"matchStrength": 0.67,
"fieldValue": "(?i)(?>(bene(ficiary)?_?-? ?(number|num|nbr|no|id)))"
"rejectStrength": 0.0
"domain": "BENEFICIARY_NO",
"name": "Beneficiary Number - Type",
"type": "TYPE",
"properties": {
"allowedTypes": [
"minimumLength": "5",
"typeName": "Number"
"minimumLength": "10",
"typeName": "String"
"domain": "BIOMETRIC",
"name": "Biometric - Path",
"type": "PATH",
"properties": {
"paths": [
"matchType": "REGEX",
"matchStrength": 0.67,
"fieldValue": "(?i)(?>(biometric))"
"rejectStrength": 0.0
"domain": "BIOMETRIC",
"name": "Biometric - Type",
"type": "TYPE",
"properties": {
"allowedTypes": [
"minimumLength": "10",
"typeName": "String"
"minimumLength": "0",
"typeName": "Binary"
"domain": "BLOOD_TYPE",
"name": "Blood Type - List",
"type": "LIST",
"properties": {
"valueLists": [
"file": "file://blood_types.txt",
"matchStrength": 1.0
"domain": "BLOOD_TYPE",
"name": "Blood Type - Path",
"type": "PATH",
"properties": {
"paths": [
"matchType": "REGEX",
"matchStrength": 0.67,
"fieldValue": "(?>blood[-_ ]?(group|grp|type))"
"rejectStrength": 0.0
"domain": "BLOOD_TYPE",
"name": "Blood Type - Type",
"type": "TYPE",
"properties": {
"allowedTypes": [
"minimumLength": "2",
"typeName": "String"
"domain": "CERTIFICATE_NO",
"name": "Certificate Number - Path",
"type": "PATH",
"properties": {
"paths": [
"matchType": "REGEX",
"matchStrength": 0.67,
"fieldValue": "(?i)(?>(^|[-_ ])cert(ificate)?_?-? ?(number|num|nbr|no|id))"
"rejectStrength": 0.0
"domain": "CERTIFICATE_NO",
"name": "Certificate Number - Type",
"type": "TYPE",
"properties": {
"allowedTypes": [
"minimumLength": "10",
"typeName": "String"
"minimumLength": "5",
"typeName": "Number"
"domain": "CITY",
"name": "City - List",
"type": "LIST",
"properties": {
"valueLists": [
"file": "file://us_cities.txt",
"matchStrength": 1.0
"domain": "CITY",
"name": "City - Path",
"type": "PATH",
"properties": {
"paths": [
"matchType": "REGEX",
"matchStrength": 0.67,
"fieldValue": "(?i)(?>^(home_?-? ?city|city))"
"matchType": "REGEX",
"matchStrength": 0.67,
"fieldValue": "(?i)(?>^(address_?-? ?city|city|city_?-? ?address))"
"rejectStrength": 0.0
"domain": "CITY",
"name": "City - Type",
"type": "TYPE",
"properties": {
"allowedTypes": [
"minimumLength": "10",
"typeName": "String"
"domain": "COMPANY_NAME",
"name": "Company Name - List",
"type": "LIST",
"properties": {
"valueLists": [
"file": "file://companies.txt",
"matchStrength": 1.0
"domain": "COMPANY_NAME",
"name": "Company Name - Path",
"type": "PATH",
"properties": {
"paths": [
"matchType": "REGEX",
"matchStrength": 0.67,
"fieldValue": "(?>(comp|company|org|organization|employer)[-_ ]?(name|nm))"
"rejectStrength": 0.0
"domain": "COMPANY_NAME",
"name": "Company Name - Type",
"type": "TYPE",
"properties": {
"allowedTypes": [
"minimumLength": "6",
"typeName": "String"
"domain": "COUNTRY",
"name": "Country - Path",
"type": "PATH",
"properties": {
"paths": [
"matchType": "REGEX",
"matchStrength": 0.67,
"fieldValue": "(?i)country",
"allowPartialMatch": false
"rejectStrength": 0.0
"domain": "COUNTRY",
"name": "Country - Type",
"type": "TYPE",
"properties": {
"allowedTypes": [
"minimumLength": "15",
"typeName": "String"
"domain": "COUNTRY",
"name": "Country - List",
"type": "LIST",
"properties": {
"valueLists": [
"file": "file://countries.txt",
"matchStrength": 1.0
"rejectStrength": 0.5
"domain": "COUNTY",
"name": "County - Path",
"type": "PATH",
"properties": {
"paths": [
"matchType": "REGEX",
"matchStrength": 0.67,
"fieldValue": "(?i)(?>(county))"
"rejectStrength": 0.0
"domain": "COUNTY",
"name": "County - Type",
"type": "TYPE",
"properties": {
"allowedTypes": [
"minimumLength": "10",
"typeName": "String"
"domain": "CREDIT CARD",
"name": "Credit Card Number - Path",
"type": "PATH",
"properties": {
"paths": [
"matchType": "REGEX",
"matchStrength": 0.67,
"fieldValue": "(?i)(?>(^cc|credit[ -_]?card)[ -_]?(number|num|nbr|no)?)"
"matchType": "REGEX",
"matchStrength": 0.67,
"fieldValue": "(?i)(?>card[ -_]?(number|num|nbr|no))"
"rejectStrength": 0.0
"domain": "CREDIT CARD",
"name": "Credit Card Number - Regex",
"type": "REGEX",
"properties": {
"dataPatterns": [
"regex": "(?:3[47][0-9]{2}[0-9]{6}[0-9]{4})",
"allowPartialMatch": false,
"checksumType": "LUHN",
"dataCleanRegex": "[ -.]",
"matchStrength": 0.9
"regex": "(?:4[0-9]{12}(?:[0-9]{3})?(?:[0-9]{3})?)",
"allowPartialMatch": false,
"checksumType": "LUHN",
"dataCleanRegex": "[ -.]",
"matchStrength": 0.9
"regex": "(?:5[1-5][0-9]{2}|222[1-9]|22[3-9][0-9]|2[3-6][0-9]{2}|27[01][0-9]|2720)[0-9]{12}",
"allowPartialMatch": false,
"checksumType": "LUHN",
"dataCleanRegex": "[ -.]",
"matchStrength": 0.9
"regex": "(?:2131|1800|35[0-9]{3})[0-9]{11}",
"allowPartialMatch": false,
"checksumType": "LUHN",
"dataCleanRegex": "[ -.]",
"matchStrength": 0.9
"regex": "3(?:0[0-5,9]|6[0-9])[0-9]{11}|3[89][0-9]{12}?(?:[0-9]{1,3})?",
"allowPartialMatch": false,
"checksumType": "LUHN",
"dataCleanRegex": "[ -.]",
"matchStrength": 0.9
"regex": "6(?:(011|5[0-9][0-9])[0-9]{2}|4[4-9][0-9]{3}|2212[6-9]|221[3-9][0-9]|22[2-8][0-9]{2}|229[0-1][0-9]|2292[0-5])[0-9]{10}?(?:[0-9]{3})?",
"allowPartialMatch": false,
"checksumType": "LUHN",
"dataCleanRegex": "[ -.]",
"matchStrength": 0.9
"rejectStrength": 0.1
"domain": "CREDIT CARD",
"name": "Credit Card Number - Type",
"type": "TYPE",
"properties": {
"allowedTypes": [
"minimumLength": "15",
"typeName": "Number"
"minimumLength": "15",
"typeName": "String"
"domain": "CUSTOMER_NO",
"name": "Customer Number - Path",
"type": "PATH",
"properties": {
"paths": [
"matchType": "REGEX",
"matchStrength": 0.67,
"fieldValue": "(?i)(?>(cust(omer|mr)?) ?_?-?(num(ber)?|nbr|no))"
"rejectStrength": 0.0
"domain": "CUSTOMER_NO",
"name": "Customer Number - Type",
"type": "TYPE",
"properties": {
"allowedTypes": [
"minimumLength": "5",
"typeName": "String"
"minimumLength": "5",
"typeName": "Number"
"domain": "DOB",
"name": "Date of Birth - Path",
"type": "PATH",
"properties": {
"paths": [
"matchType": "REGEX",
"matchStrength": 0.67,
"fieldValue": "(?i)(?>dob|dtofb|(day|date?|dt)_?-?(of)?_?(birth))"
"matchType": "REGEX",
"matchStrength": 0.67,
"fieldValue": "(?i)(?>b(irth)?_?-? ?(date|day|dt))"
"rejectStrength": 0.0
"domain": "DOB",
"name": "Date of Birth - Type",
"type": "TYPE",
"properties": {
"allowedTypes": [
"minimumLength": "6",
"typeName": "String"
"typeName": "Date"
"domain": "DEPARTMENT",
"name": "Department - List",
"type": "LIST",
"properties": {
"valueLists": [
"file": "file://departments.txt",
"matchStrength": 1.0
"tokenizeInput": true,
"tokenizationDelimiter": " "
"domain": "DEPARTMENT",
"name": "Department - Path",
"type": "PATH",
"properties": {
"paths": [
"matchType": "REGEX",
"matchStrength": 0.67,
"fieldValue": "(?>((dept|depa?rtme?nt)[-_ ]?(name|nm)))"
"rejectStrength": 0.0
"domain": "DEPARTMENT",
"name": "Department - Type",
"type": "TYPE",
"properties": {
"allowedTypes": [
"minimumLength": "5",
"typeName": "String"
"domain": "DRIVING_LC",
"name": "Drivers License - Path",
"type": "PATH",
"properties": {
"paths": [
"matchType": "REGEX",
"matchStrength": 0.67,
"fieldValue": "(?i)(?>(drivers?|lic(ense)?)_?-? ?(number|num|nbr|no))"
"rejectStrength": 0.0
"domain": "DRIVING_LC",
"name": "Drivers License - Type",
"type": "TYPE",
"properties": {
"allowedTypes": [
"minimumLength": "10",
"typeName": "Number"
"minimumLength": "10",
"typeName": "String"
"domain": "DRIVING_LC",
"name": "Drivers License - Regex",
"type": "REGEX",
"properties": {
"dataPatterns": [
"note": "One alpha followed by digits (short): AZ 1+8, CA 1+7, HI 1+8, IN 1+9, KS 1+8, MA 1+9, MO 1+5..9, MT 1+9, NE 1+6..8, NV 1+8, OH 1+4..8, OK 1+9, OR 1+6..7, RI 1+6, UT 4-10, VA 1+8..11, VT 1+8, WV 1+6",
"regex": "[A-Z][0-9]{4,9}",
"matchStrength": 0.15,
"allowPartialMatch": false
"note": "One alpha followed by digits (long): FL 1+12, MD 1+12, MI 1+12, MN 1+12, NJ 1+14, UT 4-10, VA 1+8..11",
"regex": "[A-Z][0-9]{10,14}",
"matchStrength": 0.3,
"allowPartialMatch": false
"note": "One alpha followed by digits with dashes (short): KS 1+8, KY 1+8, VA 1+8..11",
"dataCleanRegex": "[-]",
"regex": "[A-Z][0-9]{8,9}",
"matchStrength": 0.15,
"allowPartialMatch": false
"note": "One alpha followed by digits with dashes (long): FL 1+12, IL 1+11 or 1+12, MD 1+12, MN 1+12, VA 1+8..11, WI 1+13",
"dataCleanRegex": "[-]",
"regex": "[A-Z][0-9]{10,13}",
"matchStrength": 0.3,
"allowPartialMatch": false
"note": "Two alpha followed by digits: OH 2+3..7, WV 2+7",
"regex": "[A-Z]{2}[0-9]{3,7}",
"matchStrength": 0.2,
"allowPartialMatch": false
"note": "Digits followed by alpha: ME 7+1, MO 8+2 or 9+1, VT 7+1",
"regex": "[0-9]{7}[A-Z]|[0-9]{8}[A-Z]{2}|[0-9]{9}[A-Z]",
"matchStrength": 0.2,
"allowPartialMatch": false
"note": "Digits and spaces: NM 3-3-3, NY 3-3-3, PA 2-3-3",
"regex": "[0-9]{2,3} [0-9]{3} [0-9]{3}",
"matchStrength": 0.1,
"allowPartialMatch": false
"note": "Digit-alpha-digit: IA 3+2+4, NH 2+3+5",
"regex": "[0-9]{3}[A-Z]{2}[0-9]{4}|[0-9]{2}[A-Z]{3}[0-9]{5}",
"matchStrength": 0.3,
"allowPartialMatch": false
"note": "Digits only: AL 7-8, AK 7, AZ 9, AR 9, CT 9, DE 7, DC 7, GA 9, HI 9, IA 9, LA 8, ME 7-8, MA 9, M0 9, MT 9 or 13-14, NV 9-10 or 12, NY 9, NM 8-9, NC 1-12, ND 9, OH 8, OK 9, RI 7, SC 5-11, SD 6-10 or 12, TN 7-9, TX 7-8, VA 9, WV 7, WY 9",
"regex": "([0-9]{6,14})",
"matchStrength": 0.0,
"allowPartialMatch": false
"note": "CO",
"regex": "[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{3}-[0-9]{4}",
"matchStrength": 0.1,
"allowPartialMatch": false
"note": "ID",
"regex": "[A-Z]{2}[0-9]{6}[A-Z]",
"matchStrength": 0.3,
"allowPartialMatch": false
"note": "IN",
"regex": "[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{4}",
"matchStrength": 0.1,
"allowPartialMatch": false
"note": "MA - SA + 7 digits",
"regex": "SA[0-9]{7}",
"matchStrength": 0.5,
"allowPartialMatch": false
"note": "MI - 1 alpha + 12 digits with spaces",
"regex": "[A-Z]( [0-9]{3}){4}",
"matchStrength": 0.5,
"allowPartialMatch": false
"note": "MS - looks just like SSN with dashes",
"regex": "([0-9]{3}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{4})",
"matchStrength": 0.0,
"allowPartialMatch": false
"note": "MO - not covered elsewhere",
"regex": "[0-9]{3}[A-Z][0-9]{6}|[A-Z][0-9]{6}R",
"matchStrength": 0.3,
"allowPartialMatch": false
"note": "NH - NHL + 8 digits",
"regex": "NHL[0-9]{8}",
"matchStrength": 0.5,
"allowPartialMatch": false
"note": "ND - 3 letters, 6 digits with spaces",
"regex": "[A-Z]{3} ?[0-9]{2} ?[0-9]{4}",
"matchStrength": 0.3,
"allowPartialMatch": false
"note": "NJ 1 alpha + 14 digits with spaces",
"dataCleanRegex": "[-]",
"regex": "[A-Z][0-9]{4} [0-9]{5} [0-9]{5}",
"matchStrength": 0.4,
"allowPartialMatch": false
"note": "WA - old - very broad will match any 12 position alpha string",
"regex": "[A-Z]([A-Z]{4}|[A-Z]{3}[*]|[A-Z]{2}[*]{2}|[A-Z]{1}[*]{3})[A-Z]{2}[0-9A-Z]{5}",
"matchStrength": 0.0,
"allowPartialMatch": false
"note": "WA - new",
"regex": "WDL[0-9A-Z]{9}",
"matchStrength": 0.3,
"allowPartialMatch": false
"note": "WY - 9 digits with a dash",
"regex": "[0-9]{6}-[0-9]{3}",
"matchStrength": 0.1,
"allowPartialMatch": false
"rejectStrength": 0.75
"domain": "EMAIL",
"name": "Email Address - Path",
"type": "PATH",
"properties": {
"paths": [
"matchType": "REGEX",
"matchStrength": 0.67,
"fieldValue": "(?i)(cust|customer|partner|home|private|def|default)_?-? ?(email)_?-? ?(address|)"
"matchType": "REGEX",
"matchStrength": 0.67,
"fieldValue": "(?i)(?>(email_?-? ?)(addr?e?s?s?)?)"
"rejectStrength": 0.0
"domain": "EMAIL",
"name": "Email Address - Regex",
"type": "REGEX",
"properties": {
"dataPatterns": [
"regex": "[A-Z0-9.!#$%&'*+/=?^_{|}~-]{1,64}@(?=.{1,255}$)[A-Z0-9-]+(?:\\.[A-Z0-9-]+)*",
"matchStrength": 0.9,
"allowPartialMatch": false
"rejectStrength": 0.1
"domain": "EMAIL",
"name": "Email Address - Type",
"type": "TYPE",
"properties": {
"allowedTypes": [
"minimumLength": "20",
"typeName": "String"
"domain": "ETHNICITY",
"name": "Ethnicity - List",
"type": "LIST",
"properties": {
"valueLists": [
"file": "file://ethnicities.txt",
"matchStrength": 1.0
"domain": "ETHNICITY",
"name": "Ethnicity - Path",
"type": "PATH",
"properties": {
"paths": [
"matchType": "REGEX",
"matchStrength": 0.67,
"fieldValue": "(?>ethnicity|ethnicities|^race)"
"rejectStrength": 0.0
"domain": "ETHNICITY",
"name": "Ethnicity - Type",
"type": "TYPE",
"properties": {
"allowedTypes": [
"minimumLength": "7",
"typeName": "String"
"domain": "FIRST_NAME",
"name": "First Name - List",
"type": "LIST",
"properties": {
"valueLists": [
"file": "file://us_first.txt",
"matchStrength": 1.0
"file": "file://de_first.txt",
"matchStrength": 1.0
"file": "file://ch_first.txt",
"matchStrength": 1.0
"domain": "FIRST_NAME",
"name": "First Name - Path",
"type": "PATH",
"properties": {
"paths": [
"matchType": "REGEX",
"matchStrength": 0.67,
"fieldValue": "(?i)(?>(mid(dle)?_?-? ?(na?me?))(_?-?user)?)"
"matchType": "REGEX",
"matchStrength": 0.67,
"fieldValue": "(?i)(?>(f(irst)?_?-? ?(na?me?))(_?-?user)?)"
"rejectStrength": 0.0
"domain": "FIRST_NAME",
"name": "First Name - Type",
"type": "TYPE",
"properties": {
"allowedTypes": [
"minimumLength": "10",
"typeName": "String"
"domain": "FULL_NAME",
"name": "Full Name - Path",
"type": "PATH",
"properties": {
"paths": [
"matchType": "REGEX",
"matchStrength": 0.67,
"fieldValue": "(?i)(?>((fu?l?l|whole|user)([-_ ]*)?(na?me?)))"
"rejectStrength": 0.0
"domain": "FULL_NAME",
"name": "Full Name - Type",
"type": "TYPE",
"properties": {
"allowedTypes": [
"minimumLength": "20",
"typeName": "String"
"domain": "FULL_NAME",
"name": "Full Name - List",
"type": "LIST",
"properties": {
"valueLists": [
"file": "file://us_first.txt",
"matchStrength": 0.7
"file": "file://de_first.txt",
"matchStrength": 0.7
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"matchStrength": 0.7
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"matchStrength": 0.7
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"matchStrength": 0.7
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"matchStrength": 0.7
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"tokenizationDelimiter": " "
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"name": "Gender - Path",
"type": "PATH",
"properties": {
"paths": [
"matchType": "REGEX",
"matchStrength": 0.67,
"fieldValue": "(?i)(?>(ge?nde?r|sex)[-_ ]?(type|identity)?)($|[-_ ])"
"rejectStrength": 0.0
"domain": "GENDER",
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"type": "PATH",
"properties": {
"paths": [
"matchType": "REGEX",
"matchStrength": 0.67,
"fieldValue": "(?i)(?>(adm(it|ission)?|tr(ea)?t(ment)?_?-?|ds|disc(h|harge))-?_? ?(date|day|dt))"
"rejectStrength": 0.0
"domain": "HIPAA_DATE",
"name": "HIPAA Date - Type",
"type": "TYPE",
"properties": {
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"typeName": "String"
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"domain": "HOUSE_NO",
"name": "House Number - Path",
"type": "PATH",
"properties": {
"paths": [
"matchType": "REGEX",
"matchStrength": 0.67,
"fieldValue": "(?>(house?|plot)[_ -]?(number|num|nbr|no|id))"
"rejectStrength": 0.0
"domain": "HOUSE_NO",
"name": "House Number - Type",
"type": "TYPE",
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"type": "REGEX",
"properties": {
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"note": "Fetched from: '', List of countries in order for regex formats listed below: Andorra, United Arab Emirates (The), Albania, Austria, Azerbaijan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Belgium, Bulgaria, Bahrain, Burundi, Brazil, Republic of Belarus, Switzerland, Costa Rica, Cyprus, Czechia, Germany, Djibouti, Denmark, Dominican Republic, Estonia, Egypt, Spain, Finland, Faroe Islands, France, United Kingdom, Georgia, Gibraltar, Greenland, Greece, Guatemala, Croatia, Hungary, Ireland, Israel, Iraq, Iceland, Italy, Jordan, Kuwait, Kazakhstan, Lebanon, Saint Lucia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Latvia, Libya, Monaco, Moldova, Montenegro, Macedonia, Mauritania, Malta, Mauritius, Netherlands, Norway, Pakistan, Poland, Palestine, State of, Portugal, Qatar, Romania, Serbia, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Seychelles, Sudan, Sweden, Slovenia, Slovakia, San Marino, Somalia, Sao Tome and Principe, El Salvador, Timor-Leste, Tunisia, Turkey, Ukraine, Vatican City State, Virgin Islands, Kosovo",
"regex": "(AD[0-9]{10}[A-Z0-9]{12})|(AE[0-9]{21})|(AL[0-9]{10}[A-Z0-9]{16})|(AT[0-9]{18})|(AZ[0-9]{2}[A-Z]{4}[A-Z0-9]{20})|(BA[0-9]{18})|(BE[0-9]{14})|(BG[0-9]{2}[A-Z]{4}[0-9]{6}[A-Z0-9]{8})|(BH[0-9]{2}[A-Z]{4}[A-Z0-9]{14})|(BI[0-9]{25})|(BR[0-9]{25}[A-Z]{1}[A-Z0-9]{1})|(BY[0-9]{2}[A-Z0-9]{4}[0-9]{4}[A-Z0-9]{16})|(CH[0-9]{7}[A-Z0-9]{12})|(CR[0-9]{20})|(CY[0-9]{10}[A-Z0-9]{16})|(CZ[0-9]{22})|(DE[0-9]{20})|(DJ[0-9]{25})|(DK[0-9]{16})|(DO[0-9]{2}[A-Z0-9]{4}[0-9]{20})|(EE[0-9]{18})|(EG[0-9]{27})|(ES[0-9]{22})|(FI[0-9]{16})|(FO[0-9]{16})|(FR[0-9]{12}[A-Z0-9]{11}[0-9]{2})|(GB[0-9]{2}[A-Z]{4}[0-9]{14})|(GE[0-9]{2}[A-Z]{2}[0-9]{16})|(GI[0-9]{2}[A-Z]{4}[A-Z0-9]{15})|(GL[0-9]{16})|(GR[0-9]{9}[A-Z0-9]{16})|(GT[0-9]{2}[A-Z0-9]{24})|(HR[0-9]{19})|(HU[0-9]{26})|(IE[0-9]{2}[A-Z]{4}[0-9]{14})|(IL[0-9]{21})|(IQ[0-9]{2}[A-Z]{4}[0-9]{15})|(IS[0-9]{24})|(IT[0-9]{2}[A-Z]{1}[0-9]{10}[A-Z0-9]{12})|(JO[0-9]{2}[A-Z]{4}[0-9]{4}[A-Z0-9]{18})|(KW[0-9]{2}[A-Z]{4}[A-Z0-9]{22})|(KZ[0-9]{5}[A-Z0-9]{13})|(LB[0-9]{6}[A-Z0-9]{20})|(LC[0-9]{2}[A-Z]{4}[A-Z0-9]{24})|(LI[0-9]{7}[A-Z0-9]{12})|(LT[0-9]{18})|(LU[0-9]{5}[A-Z0-9]{13})|(LV[0-9]{2}[A-Z]{4}[A-Z0-9]{13})|(LY[0-9]{23})|(MC[0-9]{12}[A-Z0-9]{11}[0-9]{2})|(MD[0-9]{2}[A-Z0-9]{20})|(ME[0-9]{20})|(MK[0-9]{5}[A-Z0-9]{10}[0-9]{2})|(MR[0-9]{25})|(MT[0-9]{2}[A-Z]{4}[0-9]{5}[A-Z0-9]{18})|(MU[0-9]{2}[A-Z]{4}[0-9]{19}[A-Z]{3})|(NL[0-9]{2}[A-Z]{4}[0-9]{10})|(NO[0-9]{13})|(PK[0-9]{2}[A-Z]{4}[A-Z0-9]{16})|(PL[0-9]{26})|(PS[0-9]{2}[A-Z]{4}[A-Z0-9]{21})|(PT[0-9]{23})|(QA[0-9]{2}[A-Z]{4}[A-Z0-9]{21})|(RO[0-9]{2}[A-Z]{4}[A-Z0-9]{16})|(RS[0-9]{20})|(RU[0-9]{31})|(SA[0-9]{4}[A-Z0-9]{18})|(SC[0-9]{2}[A-Z]{4}[0-9]{20}[A-Z]{3})|(SD[0-9]{16})|(SE[0-9]{22})|(SI[0-9]{17})|(SK[0-9]{22})|(SM[0-9]{2}[A-Z]{1}[0-9]{10}[A-Z0-9]{12})|(SO[0-9]{21})|(ST[0-9]{23})|(SV[0-9]{2}[A-Z]{4}[0-9]{20})|(TL[0-9]{21})|(TN[0-9]{22})|(TR[0-9]{8}[A-Z0-9]{16})|(UA[0-9]{8}[A-Z0-9]{19})|(VA[0-9]{20})|(VG[0-9]{2}[A-Z]{4}[0-9]{16})|(XK[0-9]{18})",
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"dataPatterns": [
"regex": "(?>((25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\\.){3}(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?))",
"note": "IPv4",
"allowPartialMatch": false,
"matchStrength": 0.9
"regex": "(?>([A-F0-9]{0,4}:){2,7}[A-F0-9]{0,4})",
"note": "IPv6 standard addresses",
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"matchStrength": 0.9
"regex": "(?>(([A-F0-9]{0,4}:){2,6})((25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\\.){3}(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?))",
"note": "IPv6 dual addresses",
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"properties": {
"paths": [
"matchType": "REGEX",
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"file": "file://de_last.txt",
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"properties": {
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"matchStrength": 0.67,
"fieldValue": "(?i)(?>((l(as)?t)_?-? ?(na?me?))(_?-?user)?)"
"matchType": "REGEX",
"matchStrength": 0.67,
"fieldValue": "(?i)(?>(sur) ?_?-? ?(name)?_?-? ?(no|id|str|value|))"
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"domain": "LAST_NAME",
"name": "Last Name - Type",
"type": "TYPE",
"properties": {
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"domain": "PLATE_NO",
"name": "License Plate - Path",
"type": "PATH",
"properties": {
"paths": [
"matchType": "REGEX",
"matchStrength": 0.67,
"fieldValue": "(?i)(?>(license|li?c)?[-_ ]?plate[-_ ]?(number|num|nbr|no)?)"
"rejectStrength": 0.0
"name": "Location Coordinates - Path",
"type": "PATH",
"properties": {
"paths": [
"matchType": "REGEX",
"matchStrength": 0.67,
"fieldValue": "(?i)(?>((map|geographica?l?|areal|location|lat(itude)?|lo?ng(itude)?)[-_ ]?(co-?o?rd(inates?)?)|(latitude|longitude|co-?o?rdinates?)([-_ ]value)?))"
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"note": "Latitude and Longitude in decimal degrees format",
"regex": "(?:[+-]?([1-8]?[0-9])[. °](\\d{4,8})°?[NS]?,? ?)?[+-]?([1-9]?[0-9]|1[0-7][0-9])[. °](\\d{4,8})°?[NEWS]?",
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"matchStrength": 0.9
"note": "Latitude & longitude in degrees & minutes format",
"regex": "(?:[+-]?([1-8]?[0-9])[. °]([0-5]?[0-9])\\.(\\d{3,4})(?:'|′)?[NS]?,? ?)?[+-]?([1-9]?[0-9]|1[0-7][0-9])[. °]([0-5]?[0-9])\\.(\\d{3,4})(?:'|′)?[NEWS]?",
"allowPartialMatch": false,
"matchStrength": 0.9
"note": "Latitude and Longitude in degrees, minutes & seconds format",
"regex": "(?:[+-]?([1-8]?[0-9])[. °]([0-5]?[0-9])(?:'|′)([0-5]?[0-9])(\\.\\d{1,2})?(?:\"|″)[NS]?,? ?)?[+-]?([1-9]?[0-9]|1[0-7][0-9])[. °]([0-5]?[0-9])(?:'|′)([0-5]?[0-9])(\\.\\d{1,2})?(?:\"|″)[NEWS]?",
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"matchStrength": 0.9
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"name": "Location Coordinates - Type",
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"properties": {
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"properties": {
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"name": "Marital Status - Path",
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"properties": {
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"fieldValue": "(?>(marital|marriage|married)[-_ ]?sta?tu?s)"
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"domain": "MARITAL_STATUS",
"name": "Marital Status - Type",
"type": "TYPE",
"properties": {
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"name": "Medical Drug - List",
"type": "LIST",
"properties": {
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"file": "file://medical_drugs_brand.txt",
"matchStrength": 1.0
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"tokenizationDelimiter": " "
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"type": "PATH",
"properties": {
"paths": [
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"domain": "MEDICAL_DRUG",
"name": "Medical Drug - Type",
"type": "TYPE",
"properties": {
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"name": "PO Box - Path",
"type": "PATH",
"properties": {
"paths": [
"matchType": "REGEX",
"matchStrength": 0.67,
"fieldValue": "(?i)(?>(p.?o.?_?-? ?box|post_?-? ?office_?-? ?box ?_?-?)(number|num|nbr|no)?)"
"rejectStrength": 0.0
"domain": "PO_BOX",
"name": "PO Box - Type",
"type": "TYPE",
"properties": {
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"type": "PATH",
"properties": {
"paths": [
"matchType": "REGEX",
"matchStrength": 0.67,
"fieldValue": "(?i)(?>(pass(?!po?rt)) ?_?-??(word)?_?-? ?(word|nbr|no|id|value|))"
"rejectStrength": 0.0
"domain": "PASSWORD",
"name": "Password - Type",
"type": "TYPE",
"properties": {
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"domain": "PAYMENT_AMOUNT",
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"properties": {
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"matchStrength": 0.67,
"fieldValue": "(?i)(?>(pay(ment)?|bill|remit(tance)?|premium|amount|salary|price|revenue|income|credit|debit)[ _-]?(amount|amnt|value|val)?)"
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"domain": "PAYMENT_AMOUNT",
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"properties": {
"dataPatterns": [
"note": "International currency symbols and abbreviations from: Regex prefixed with symbol",
"allowPartialMatch": false,
"matchStrength": 0.9
"note": "International currency symbols and abbreviations from: Regex suffixed with symbol",
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"regex": "[+-]?(\\d{1,3}(,\\d{3})*|(\\d+))(\\.\\d{2})",
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"regex": "^[0-9]{5}$",
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"name": "Record Number - Type",
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"properties": {
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"domain": "SERIAL_NO",
"name": "Serial Number - Type",
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"properties": {
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"matchStrength": 0.67,
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"rejectStrength": 0.0
"domain": "SSN",
"name": "Social Security Number - Regex",
"type": "REGEX",
"properties": {
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