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Building the sample plugin (SDK workflows/Algorithms)

The Algorithm SDK contains a buildable Sample Algorithm Plugin with a number of functional algorithms illustrating the features of the Extensibility Framework. These simple commands build the plugin containing the sample algorithms.

Starting from sdk_root:

$ cd samples
$ ./gradlew :algorithm:jar

This creates the Sample Algorithm plugin JAR file sdk_root/samples/build/libs/algorithm.jar.

The Sample Algorithm project provides a convenient way to see a working example plugin.

While it is possible to modify these algorithms by changing the Java source and rebuilding the plugin, when starting a new project to develop one or more standalone algorithms, it is highly recommended that you create your own project rather than modifying files in the Sample Algorithm project subtree. This will prevent the loss of customizations to the project build files should you chose to install a new version of Masking Algorithm SDK over your existing SDK directory.

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