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Creating an extended database connector

Creating an extended database connector

This assumes an application and environment already exists, to which you can add this extended connector.

  1. Select POST /database-connectors

  2. Format response body as follows:

    "connectorName": "hana db",
    "databaseType": "EXTENDED",
    "environmentId": 1,
    "jdbc": "JDBC_SERVER_URL",
    "username": "USERNAME",
    "password": "PASSWORD",
    "kerberosAuth": false,
    "jdbcDriverId": 7,
    "enableLogger": false

The response will look similar to the following with a return status of 200:

    "databaseConnectorId": 1,
    "connectorName": "hana db",
    "databaseType": "EXTENDED",
    "environmentId": 1,
    "jdbc": "JDBC_SERVER_URL",
    "username": "USERNAME",
    "kerberosAuth": false,
    "jdbcDriverId": 7,
    "enableLogger": false
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